
Thursday, September 24, 2009


有人話要做到A, 先可以做B. 其實唔可以先做B, 再A?




Kempton said...

Are you trying to write in secret and cryptic code? 可唔可以比條key我?等我易D睇? :)

Doing A or Doing B first? "Begin anywhere. - John Cage tells us that not knowing where to begin is a common form of paralysis. His advice: begin anywhere."

mad dog said...

kempton: yeah... secret code... not for the public... :P haha. yeah, i'll just try to begin anywhere, but a lot of ppl r too stubborn u know.

Kempton said...

哈哈,I guessed都係secret code啦!

You have less (or little) control of what other people do, especially those stubborn ones. But you have a lot more (if not full) control of what you do. So don't "try" to begin anywhere. Just "begin anywhere". 

Note that it may still take a long while to do what needs to be done, but the "starting" of it is up to you.

mad dog said...

kempton: trying...