
Sunday, September 13, 2009


今年個暑假過得又失敗又無癮! 一早話要讀書, 點知得把口, 拿起本書, 讀咗兩三版, 已經無乜心情啦, 您知啦, 我不嬲都係"臨急抱佛腳"架啦, 無嘢迫我, 我永遠都做唔成事, 而且啲summer assignment多到做極都做唔哂, 其實我都算做得快架啦, 8月9號就做完, 但係都唔知點解, 啲節目全部喺哂八月尾, 於是我嘅暑期計劃就毀於一旦, 最衰都係自己啦, 不過有人話, 中四嘅summer holiday係要嚟"充電"嘅, 因為一開學就無覺好瞓, 唔休息吓都唔掂, 唉, 無論如何, holiday就快玩完, 講乜都無謂!

今日上午先至同Mrs. XXXX同埋其他cookery girls去嗰個乜嘢Summer Microwave Seminar, 跟住中午由Mrs. XXXX津貼去海景假日酒店食buffet, 認真麻麻, 都係我地上次"菲菲"啲嘢好食啲! 最開心就係本月26號抽到去太古溜冰"9:00pm-midnight", 免費嘅, 仲有張立基, 吳國敬同鄭敬基做嘉賓, fantastic! 好彩今個暑假要做newspaper cutting, 因為我因此而訂South China Morning Post, 今次之所以可以抽到, 都係喺Young Post裡面發現到架! 我連氣三星期分別寄咗3封信去抽, 終於比我抽到正, 全港只得200人抽到咋, 每人可以帶1個friend去, 我就搵咗XXXX同我去, 越諗越開心, 如果有機會, 我會寄嗰日影到啲相比您嘅...


對, 就是當年"老闆"去了留學, 第一個暑假寫給她的其中一封信的其中幾段. 那時還用郵簡! 那個溜冰夜印象深刻, 因為我和友人更見報呢!!! 記得那是個什麼"Ice and Fire"夜, 要穿白和紅色, 我還專程去買了紅色上衣, 白色三個骨tight+小白裙!(攞命!!!). 見報於當年的Young Post添呀! :) 當然還有和歌手們拍照了. 至於文中那個什麼"菲菲", 我實在不知道是什麼地方...


Kempton said...

Thanks for sharing the first of your collection of letters. I think I still have a collection of letters from home when I left home to study in Canada. I even have a collection of audio tapes. :) It might be fun to look at my collection when the time is right. :)

P.S. SCMP Young Post, I remember SCMP first came out with an edition target secondary school kids. It was quite a novelty item then. I think I might have got a free notice/ad posted once. :)

P.P.S. For some years, I had a few pen-pals and thinking about that period bought back some good memories.

mad dog said...

Kempton: i do have audio tapes from a friend too, dunno if i can find them or not. pen-pals! i did have a few as well.

Pema said...

This is lovely :) you still keep the old diary ...

mad dog said...

Pema: it's not from my diary, it's a letter I sent to my friend during high school. :)

Echo said...

haha, so u can't remebered what u have been to (the place called 'fei fei'

another swan said...

Should've worn your tutu on the ice! Stunning!

mad dog said...

echo: no idea at all! :)

another swan: gee! that white mini was a tutu to me already! :)