
Thursday, September 10, 2009


© Wayne Miller / Magnum Photos
( ~ Today's Pictures: School's In)

那天和二姊談起小時候被老師罰的經歷. 二姊告訴甥女們, 她曾經因為"百厭", 被老師獨留關掉燈的課室裡. 甥女們聽到都嚇了一跳.

現在的孩子不會怕老師的了. 小甥女經常被罰沒小息, 聞說大姊開學前勸她: 你可不可以第一星期乖乖地, 不用留小息呢? "可以... "她答到.

被罰的經驗多, 她會"醒目"地一早逃上天台(或某地方), 令老師找不到她, 不用留小息. 唉... 換轉是我, 如果當年被人留小息(從未試過), 可能哭了一整天!

我們那個年代, 不論小學或中學, 老師最喜歡的懲罰就是"罰企". 小二試過和同學談天沒聽書, 被罰二人面對著窗子一整課. 其實哪有用呢? 學生看不到黑板, 更聽不到書.

中學時有兩個老師仍然喜歡這種懲罰. 一個是生物老師, 一個是數學/物理老師, 非常無聊. 那個生物老師是個師奶, 舉凡叫你起來答不到問題便要罰站, 直至你有機會搶答又答對為止.


Echo said...

'舉凡叫你起來答不到問題便要罰站, 直至你有機會搶答又答對為止.', This is insane!

Kempton said...

The teachers were a lot more creative when students were semi-human and didn't need to be respected. Time has changed.

Now, the scale has tipped the other way with cell phone footage and YouTube. I guess the thought of being a YouTube star has turned many teachers into the silent type.

mad dog said...

echo: 係好無聊架! 所以一堂可以十幾人一齊企足大半堂! :)

kempton: the world has changed.

Echo said...

Wahaha! I know, especially when u have to 搶答 and 又答對!

mad dog said...

echo: guess that mo liu biology miss really enjoyed that! :) sometimes we had classes at bio lab, imagine what a scene we made!

Karelian said...


mad dog said...

karelian: yes! i think so too! :)