
Wednesday, September 16, 2009


今天某高級同事(因為開了門), 她正在聽一些頗悅耳的爵士音樂, 不得不讚她的品味(我真的跑去告訴她!). 因為前陣子經常被另一同事的攞命中樂影響多時... 我極不喜歡中樂, 而她揀的那些更是令人煩厭, 又不好意思告訴她, 我唯有啞忍, 真可憐(因為我也開著電視嘛, 即使很細聲).

曾告訴網友們, 大家都提議, 不如送她一對earphones, 或等聖誕交換禮物時送! :) 不過很明顯只得我一人聽到她的音樂, 可疑人物只有我, 怎算.


laichungleung said...

I don't care others' taste. But they better not listen to any music while at work unless that's part of their job. Or what I mean is not make it audible to others. They may think they have the best taste on earth and doing me a favor by let me listen to their music but usually it's just absolute noise to me. I think it's very inconsiderate to play music or radio at work.

mad dog said...

LCL: exactly, i dun listen to music at work. :(

uncleray said...

如果係office hour,我一定開聲了。

mad dog said...

uncleray: 因為我地公司開住電視都好多聲音架, 所以有啲人做得太唔耐煩時就聽歌... 都係一兩個係咁. 我就唔會聽歌囉.

Pema said...

中樂好少聽, 在公司常常聽
Les Misérables, 百聽不厭, 未有收到投訴 :p

mad dog said...

Pema: 成日聽添呀? 會唔會同事費事出聲? :P