
Thursday, July 16, 2009


五十九秒可以做到些什麼? 吃完六粒燒賣? 畫到兩條眼線? 等一個紅綠燈的時間?

網友在google shared items上分享了這篇"Ten ways to change your life in 59 seconds", 值得一看.

我們都喜歡這句: The best way of getting someone to like you is not to do them a favour, but rather to get them to do you a small favour.

從沒想過要人家幫自己一個忙反而令人喜歡自己. 可以試試看! :)

另外我常喜歡做的: Buy experiences not goods. Go to a concert, movie, unusual place or strange restaurant: anything that provides an opportunity to do things with others or tell people about it afterwards.

這個有點攪笑: To provide a significant boost to your happiness, force your face into a smile and hold the expression for 20 seconds.
微笑二十秒. 可以嘛?


uncle ray said...

關於"Buy experiences not goods",但我覺得你好喜歡買東西woh,是我的錯覺吧;>

mad dog said...

uncle ray: 有件咁嘅事??? :) 我好似睇戲多啲... 睇戲多啲... :)

CC said...

– Pursue 'intentional' change by starting a new hobby, joining an organisation, learning a skill, initiating a project or meeting new people.

最近就有人跟我說我要學習一個新的嗜好, 好擴闊視野及生活圈子. 還未想到學什麼好.

Kempton said...

re: "我們都喜歡這句: The best way of getting someone to like you is not to do them a favour, but rather to get them to do you a small favour."

I've done that often, it also finds out quickly if others offer to help are sincere or not.

"Buy experiences not goods." One of my fav book happens to call "Sketching User Experiences". :)

mad dog said...

鄧: 興趣無得迫架噃. 平時鍾意玩咩? 整餅? 水上活動? 音樂? 舞蹈? 一定有啲自己專長或以前想試又無機會玩嘅嘢嘅.