
Monday, December 06, 2010


飛唔到去Wales見佢, 好彩當地某書店有此服務, 佢親筆簽名架!!! ^_^ 郵費貴一貴都抵.


yellow duck said...


Moomin said...

完全feel 到你的開心~~ ^____________^

mad dog said...

thank you! :)

laichungleung said...

Holy mackerel. I never thought you could be this this what should I say "girly." Well, I am always wrong. So in terms of hotness, that's in your eye, Jude Law or Mathew Rhys?

Let me also sign off with

Best Wishes too.

mad dog said...

LCL: haha, i always surprise people ;) matthew rhys is not hot... actually, it's his acting and character that attract me. ;) for hotness, it's still jude law / jonathan rhys meyers / etc... but Matthew just rocks!

mad dog said...

LCL: oh more hot guys: paul bettany / george clooney / too many to count. if u watch B&S, i think u'll like matthew rhys too, i love his humor. humorous guys win women's hearts u know.

laichungleung said...

MD, I don't know if age is a factor but nowadays I seldom watch any sitcom or series. The last one I watched was Grey's Anatomy. I was there watching with my wife, she had it recorded. That's about it. Maybe we should just cutoff the cable, save a bundle.

mad dog said...

LCL: u know, sometimes i am just a c9, craving for tv shows (not those on tvb though... ) ;)