這天要等人, 跑了去書店逛一圈, 揀了兩本林燕妮. 書架上只有她四本書, 我拿了兩本. 在看時, 另一女子正在找, 又問店員. "啊, 見到喇! 呢度... "
"我拎咗兩本... " 想她或許也想買我手上的兩本, 便對她說.
"咦... 呢本我都想買... "
"呢本係咪新架呢? 我係咪有呢? 好熟口面... "
"呢本係舊架喇... 我記得個名, 細個時睇過架... "
"唔係噃, 零九年七月初版, 新架... "
買了她的書多年, 好像是第一次遇上她的擁躉, 然後有一面之緣. 她本人, 我也遇上好幾次了, 親筆簽名也拿過了, 是某年的中秋節, 金鐘的Furla店. :)

我都買左呢本.. 睇左一半未睇完
莎莉: 我真係由細睇佢睇到大架 :)
Cooking Meow: 係, 學到好多嘢.
You and your readers may have watched this March 2010 RTHK program already but just in case, I have enclosed the link. I think Mr. Yim had done a wonderful series of interview. I've learned a lot.
品味人生 - 第九集 林燕妮 「緣是世外人」
P.S. The accompanying Apple daily article "林燕妮的盛宴 – 嚴浩 – 2010年03月20日" is also worth reading. I've re-posted the article in my Chinese blog.
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