用了多支的Bvlgari Blv Notte及Alessandro Dell Acqua, 雖然仍有其他香水未用完(其實永遠有一堆用不完!), 如Costume National及Abercrombie, 貪新鮮又跑去試試新的. 那天便揀了這隻什麼限量版: Issey Miyake L'EAU D'ISSEY Wood Flower Edition Eau de Toilette. Wood Flower味其實不太明顯. 試時比較明顯的... :(

剛才看時裝雜誌, 介紹了Fresh為電影Eat Pray Love出的香水系列, 喜歡此片的或可考慮.
the brand i love is jo malone, have you tried them before? they provide quite a wide range of scents (from citrus/fruity to floral/woody).
imak: 好似都有聞/試過jo malone, 唔係好濃味咩? 似chanel no.5果種? 下次去睇吓. ;)
我也想買Wood Flower,但猶豫之間就無了,男裝版也不錯,但當然不是花味。
I read Japanese made scents tend to be very subtle so much so that it smells like water, that's it's basically scentless. It's totally hearsay.
brownie: 我有時都會買男版架, e.g.abercrombie其實係men's cologne :)
LCL: but issey miyake's perfume is made in france ah, and the original one is quite strong too.
I am good at passing out half-truth and disinformation.
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