
Thursday, August 06, 2009


1. 和網友閒談, 說到lang模和那些性感藝/網人, 還有鹹濕佬... 我說: 好多所謂明星, 都影過唔少寫真啦... 唔好忘記舒淇... 李麗珍... 仲有某某, 諗番嗰篇blog文(via here)都想笑... 還有, 俾得人影bikini, 都唔係好好多... 網友說反對那些"搏老命睇佢地嘅咸佬"多於那些lang模, 我說我更反對本身行性感嗰啲喺度50步笑100步, 其實目的都係搵老細, 大家程度少少差距而已...

2. 網友問銀包裡有多少張各式膠卡? 原來我有16張, 除credit cards和ID card等外, 還有許多診症卡及VIP/優惠卡...

3. 八達通廣告教壞人: "人有我有唔緊要, 人有我無就唔得啦"... 世上太多嘢唔係人人都有架.

4. 無聊時和母親及二姊在說大家的手掌, 還有朋友們的手掌. 女人總愛說什麼手型"好命", 什麼手型"唔洗做". 我總說: 嗱, 我呢啲咪算辛苦囉. 母親說: 你呢啲邊係, 你呢啲係能幹手 (母親真懂說話... )

5. 網友較早前問, 好像很久不見我post購物的文章, 想一想, 其實我都不多寫呀. 又其實近來真的沒有買東西麼? 好像前陣子大減價時都有不少收穫. 不過衣服鞋子post上來幹什麼? 都是吃的比較吸引嘛. 護膚品又的確貨源充足, 不用買. 其實近日"忙病"都忙了很久, 看醫生和物理治療師多過乜, 哪有時間/心情購物? 連跳舞課也沒得上呀... :(


c.r said...


mad dog said...

cr: 日日都在等好... :(

不是公主 said...

好快好返~~ 好快無事~~~~

mad dog said...

我不是公主: thank you! :)

Kempton said...

1. While there are just so much breasts and asses recently on print and TV, I see the problem differently. In my 論紅黑蘋果日報, I picked Next media when it is a general problem with the media. The problem is a vicious circle created by the media and the 鹹濕相機佬.

The duplicitous Next Media (and other news media in HK) has the guts to shoot & film the breasts and asses and in the same article to complain about these ladies showing their T&A. Larry Flynt shoots a lot of T&A but you will never hear him being that duplicitous to complain.

2. Wow, 16張? Your 銀包 must look really chubby!

3. Sometimes ads reflect a societal common belief. And sadly, this ad reinforce that misguided desire.

4. "能幹手". What a lovely complement. :)

Can I send my mom to get some training from yours? While embarrassing, I remember a time when my mom carried my school report cards to show off to the aunties. These days she stopped complaining why 我讓她生氣 by not following the traditional life and career path that every nice boys & girls are following. I think she just missed the days when her 笛 seemed to be more powerful. :)

mad dog said...

kempton: 1/ yeah this is hk entertainment scene 2/ no, some of them r very very thin. my wallet is just a normal one 3/ and i hate the tone of the v.o. as if she is encouraging u to have everything 4/ yeah, that's my mum :) haha. my mum used to be a teacher for many yrs, and she knows her daughters so so well. ;)

Echo said...

Poor girl.
BTW, don't need to take me seriously. LOL.

gar~* said...


mad dog said...

echo: thanks.

gar: thanks. 影食物容易又方便嘛 :)

聶秀康 said...



mad dog said...

聶: thanks. :)