
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

My Color is Blue

Your Color is Blue

You are a calm and content person. You find that the key to life is easy... just be yourself!

You believe in the importance of letting go. You release your anxieties and welcome renewal.

You are a generous person, and you look for the best of people. You promote peace and trust.

You value intellect and experience. Unlike most people, you truly respect your elders.

What's Your Feng Shui Color?

那天和兒時好友晚飯, 偶然總會聽到她說一些連我自己也忘了的小事.

話說N年前和她去廟街睇相, 還一次過看了兩個睇相佬. 當年大家都是十來歲的女孩. 一個是雀仔睇相, 一個是一般的睇相.

好友那天說: 你唔記得咩? 佢話你係闊佬自己又闊佬人地, 我就孤寒自己, 闊佬人地!

我: 竟然有咁嘅事?!


難怪我最最最憎嗰啲闊佬自己孤寒人地嘅cheap人啦... :P

Monday, November 29, 2010


到處都有聖誕裝飾了, 經過都會拍兩張. Times Square裡的, 和聖誕幾近完全沒有關連...
那天見到這個暴君辣椒脆片, 不嗜辣, 有人試過嗎?
這晚第一次到The One的百老匯戲院, 法國電影節嘛. 喜歡這裡的洗手間, 夠哂大! 另影院裡座位亦非常舒適. 只是這晚的高達悶出個鳥來... 相信學者才完全明白高先生想說什麼了...
昨晚終於發夢都見到Kevin和Scotty, 我真係中哂毒! 仲係同佢地兩個一齊上college class, 十人左右, 佢地坐我前面, 我仲要扮唔係佢地fans! ;)

正在等待我訂了的Matthew Rhys著作"Patagonia", 還要是他親筆簽名的! 在網上join了他的fan club list, 真高興, 有很多他的簽名會相片看.

十一月快完了, 算是無大驚無大險. 聖誕快來吧!

今天睡至下午兩時多, 舒服得不得了.這晚看了Godard的Film Socialisme, 觀眾大部份都是本地人(和昨晚那場"The Big Picture"大部份老外/法蘭西觀眾很不同), 嘩... 真係唔知咩事... 電影學者或許會完全明白吧... 前前後後有六七人提早離場.

印象最深都是那些海, 和都是那些海. 的確拍得很漂亮. 還有那個從上到下看的月暦. 唔... 用google image看"film socialisme"就會令我想起那對貓, 廚房母子, 男孩子, 油站等等... 很多零碎的片段/人物.

最奇的只是, 怎麼大部份都沒有字幕, 我很想聽得懂那一大堆的法語. 難道Godard認為觀眾都不需要明白那些旁白/對白?

回來細看小冊子才知道導演要求刻意修改英文字幕... 人都癲...

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Sunday Stealing

The Baker's Meme:

1. If you could interview anyone on your blog (alive or dead) who would you chose and why?
Matthew Rhys and Luke Macfarlane (唔好意思, 都係佢地! Kevin and Scotty from "Brothers & Sisters") :)

2. What do you feel is your strength as a blogger?

3. Can you share a little bit about yourself that you have not already mentioned on your blog?
無咩噃... 可以share都share哂咁滯

4. If you were forced to change the name of your blog, what would you change it to? Why?

5. What do you think is the most fulfilling part of being a blogger?

6. What would you do with your last day if you found you had only one more day to live?

7. You’ve been doing medical research for decades and have finally found a cure. What was it that you found a cure for and why did you choose this particular ailment?
諗唔到. 其實如果咩病都醫得到, 咁咪死唔到??? 一樣好慘...

8. What is your most guilty pleasure?

9. Answer only one. What is your favorite book, movie or TV show?
電影, 多成咁, 點揀... TV show, 呢期都係"Brothers & Sisters"喇!

10. What do you think is the very best smell in the world? The one smell that can take you back to a time and place of a very vivid memory in your past?

Saturday, November 27, 2010

What's Your True Birth Month?

Your True Birth Month Is December

Not egoistic
Loves praise
Loves to joke
Fun to be with
Not pretending
Loves attention
Short tempered
Hates restrictions
Loves to socialize
Loves to be loved
Loyal and generous
Impatient and hasty
Changing personality
Good sense of humor
Honest and trustworthy
Influential in organizations
Takes high pride in oneself
Active in games and interactions

Friday, November 26, 2010


"He who thanks but with the lips Thanks but in part; The full, the true Thanksgiving Comes from the heart." ~ J.A. Shedd (quotegarden)

都是那一句, 感恩/記著擁有的, 不要只想/看未曾擁有/失去的.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


琴晚路經見到佢地整緊, 嘩, 呀聖誕老婆呀!
今日路經聽到好熱鬧, 有小丑表現, 亮燈儀式卦

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister 安妮莉斯的秘密日記

HKLGFF另一齣選看了來自英國的"The Secret Diaries of Miss Anne Lister".


十九世紀英國女同志歷史人物 Anne Lister 的人生愛情美麗詩篇。四百萬字的密碼日記現身大螢幕,深入刻劃這名繼承家族遺產的女大地主如何勇於脫離塵世傳統枷鎖而成為「當代第一女同志」,並揭示兩段 金釵戀與當中一段心碎的愛。熱戀Sarah Waters時代小說(<南茜的情史>與<指匠情挑>)的粉絲一定會看得津津樂道。(資料來源)

電影今年三月於London Lesbian and Gay Film Festival放映, 之後五月在BBC TV播放.
看此片前對Anne Lister全不認識, 原來被視為"the first modern lesbian". 故事背景及劇情都頗吸引, 很有興趣想知道十九世紀時歷史人物兼女同志的軼事.

電影90分鐘, 流暢沒有悶場. 當中也不乏幽默.

主角Anne Lister由Maxine Peake飾演, 完全不漂亮, 但演得不錯. 反而喜歡飾演她的情人Mariana Belcombe的Anna Madeley, 漂亮又有味道, 角色令人信服.

Anne Lister的情人Mariana稱呼她作"Fred", 而當地居民都叫她"Gentleman Jack". 喜歡一身黑衣打扮, 把自己的戀情都寫在日記裡. 她的日記還記錄了許多生活瑣事. 四百萬隻字的秘密就在一百五十年後被人發現. 當中六分一都是用code(碼)寫成的, 包含數字及古希臘文, 都是關於她的戀情及情慾事. 連怎樣"找尋獵物"也有留下筆觸.
天意弄人, 得不到的愛情原來也可以來個"鬥長命". 和誰鬥? 當然是情敵了. 皆因Anne Lister一直想等情人Mariana的丈夫逝世, 那麼她們便可以一起了. 當然事與願違, Mariana屈服於世俗的眼光下, 拒絕離開丈夫. Anne Lister沒有再等便遇上Ann Walker. Mariana的丈夫活到89歲. Anne則於49歲那年便離世了.


youtube上見有人製作了一個MV, 比trailer更多片段

The Book (CDLA)




Tuesday, November 23, 2010

The Kids Are All Right 非單親關係

"The Kids Are All Right"是今屆HKLGFF的開幕電影之一. 沒多留意介紹便揀此片皆因兩主角: Annette BeningJulianne Moore.

很久沒/少看Annette Bening演戲了, Julianne Moore的近年都多看, 這回二人飾演同性戀partners兼為人母, 值得進場看吧.

"The Kids Are All Right", 片名正正道出電影想說的: 同性戀家長的子女"are all right/alright". 導演Lisa Cholodenko曾執導電視劇The L Word(看過幾個season了, 關於一班女同性戀朋友/圈子的故事)及Six Feet Under(各一集).找大家熟識的荷林活演員飾演兩女主角, 當然更能令觀眾接受了, 因為電影題材並非主流, 如果不是Annette BeningJulianne Moore, 相信更少人會留意此片吧. 還有大家都看過的Mark Ruffalo, 飾演兩個孩子的biological father(sperm donor).

其實在美國, 同性戀題材一早已入屋了, 現在十分受歡迎的"Modern Family"及正在播第五季的"Brothers & Sisters"都有男同性戀作主要的角色.故事說一個由兩個同性戀母親和兒子及女兒組成的家庭. 女兒剛十八歲了, 準備入大學, 這是她在家最後的一個暑假. 兒子十五歲, 很想和"生父"見面, 於是姊姊Joni找到他. "父親"的出現令整個四人家庭都"翻天覆地".

兩個母親都擔心要和人家分子女, 且女兒快要進大學了, 可以一家人一起的日子越來越少, 還要和一個外人分享?

原來, 男孩子始終有點渴望一個father figure, 一個可以look up to的role model. 那麼一個沒有父親的家庭中, 男孩子可不可以正常地成長呢?
當然電影不算中立, 它想說的真的是美滿的"the kids are all right/alright". 或許導演正正想向一眾反對同性戀婚姻/同性戀收養子女/找代母/代父等具爭議性的問題的人士, 道出這些根本不會是什麼問題.

(spoiler alert)

"生父"竟然和其中一母親攪上了, 女同性戀觀眾會不會有反感呢? 這個情況有可能嗎? 因為配偶忽略自己, 就會和一個男人攪上? 可他更是自己兒女的"生父"啊.

兩個母親不其然地會懷疑兒子都是同性戀, 這裡描寫得帶點幽默. 當她們知道他不是, 而他又的確沒有她們般感性及敏感時, 母親Jules(Julianne Moore)幽默一句: 我真的希望你是同性戀的!

電影沒有太多描寫外人怎樣看這個家庭. 子女的朋友都視他們和普通人沒兩樣. 只是兒子的友人會對兩個母親的私人物品感好奇, 例如她們看的"四仔"是哪類. :)

Julianne MooreAnnette Bening都有非常出色的演出, 很匹配又有默契.

原來飾演"生父"女友的是ANTM Season 3的Yaya DaCosta.



Rotten Tomatoes有96%.
from The New Yorker

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday Stealing

Questions a la Randomness, A Meme:

What was the last thing you put in your mouth?

How late did you stay up last night and why?

If you could move somewhere else, would you?

Have you ever been kissed under fireworks?

Do you believe ex's can be friends?

When was the last time you cried really hard?
a few months ago maybe

What items could you not go without during the day?

Who was the last person you visited in the hospital?
a relative

How do you feel about your life right now?
it's kind of ok

If we were to look in your facebook inbox, what would we find?
a friend's response on my message

Say you were given a drug test right now, would you pass?
of course

Has anyone ever called you perfect before?
hmm... I don't think so

Someone knocks on your window at 2:00 a.m.: who do you want it to be?
it would be really scary...

Do you think too much or too little?
too much

Do you believe in fairy tales?

Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?

What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you've dated?
2-3 years

Have you ever been on a blind date?

Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more?

Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?

What song do you want played at your funeral?
"Dream" by Priscilla Ahn

Would you tell your parents if you were gay?
guess so

What would your last meal be before getting executed?
ribeye steak/fois gras/red wine/chocolate mousse :)

Do you walk around the house naked?

What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?
wash my hands

Who is the person you can count on the most?
my family

What is your favorite Holiday?

Would you ever get plastic surgery?

Have you ever caught a fish?
YES! in Maldives! TWO!

What is the first thing you notice about people?
their eyes

What is the farthest you've been from home?
Eastern Europe

How did you meet your spouse or significant other (or most recent one)?

Where was the last place you drove (other than home/school/work)?
test driving somewhere...

Sunday, November 21, 2010



Saturday, November 20, 2010


又來說說洗頭水. 髮質很乾, 又難打理, 前陣子發現這個Nexxus的Phyto Organics extreme moisture系列, 真的很滋潤, 洗完頭髮又易梳理感覺很舒服.

哪裡找到? 中環一髮型用品店(威靈頓街, 石板街口)
Theratin Extreme Moisture Shampoo
Humectin Extreme Moisture Conditioner

正在用By Terry的lipgloss, 打算買多一支放在家, 第一次買Jill Stuart的, 效果不錯.

Friday, November 19, 2010


You Are an Entertainment Magazine

You love movies, music, and television. You are the creative type, and you appreciate entertainment done right.

You also think that celebrities are pretty interesting. At the very least, it's an escape to read about their lives.

You don't take celebrity magazines too seriously... in fact, you probably make fun of them from time to time.

The fact that they're so outrageous is definitely part of their appeal!

You Are Most Like Tyra Banks

Totally smokin' with tons of attitude

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Le Monde d' Ulysse (Restaurant Galerie)

約了網友lu午飯, 來試了位於結志街的法國鵝肝專門店.

一時左右來到, 幾近沒有人客, 不知道是否晚市較旺呢.


我的鵝肝好吃不過這就是主菜了, 減肥???
lu揀的鴨腿不錯, 我也吃了一點, 很入味.
我的主菜那麼袖珍, 不吃甜品或許要跑去永樂園買隻熱狗才可支撐到晚上... :)

午餐甜品兩個選擇我們都叫了一起分享: 迷你心太軟及creme brulee, 都好吃



Wednesday, November 17, 2010


1. 皮膚狀況不佳, 或許近日壓力大.

2. 連跳舞的熱情也減卻不少了, 即使有時間去, 有時也會想: 今天真的想去嗎? 然後把東西留在公司, 跑了去閒逛.

3. 這晚有上課, 指甲或許剪多了, 右腳趾有點痛.

4. 十一月應該比十月好一點吧, 希望如此. 暫時尚不算太差.

5. 這星期最喜歡的歌曲: Sara Bareilles的Breathe Again. 當然又是看B&S時發現的了.

6. 上星期連續兩天分別和三個朋友飯聚. 一個認識了十年, 一個認識了廿多年, 一個認識了三十多年. 有這些多年好友感覺很溫暖.

7. 見過一些很高的ATM嗎? 那天我見到一個HS bank的ATM, 連我也幾近要尖起雙腳才看到熒幕! 不知道矮小一點的怎用呢!

8. 昨晚坐上一個駕駛技術和我有得揮的的士司機的車, 嚇得我差點大叫. 他說: 唔好意思呀, 我唔熟... 又新仔... 你教我行... 然後不停對唔住. 十分鐘也不用的路程我大叫了四次, 都因他走錯路, 成條路都不停有車, 嚇個半死... 唉, 世界難撈, 可能他剛轉行吧...

9. 吃了那個麥當當什麼法國皇室凱旋堡... 包是冷的, 不好吃. twitter上有人回應: ciabatta, 是意大利的啊!

10. 晚上又買了幾個法國黃金果, 是日很法國.


相片攝於IFC. 聖誕快到了.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

乍現映院 ~ 彷彿,最後一次

舉手之勞, 替人家宣傳一下. 看了資料也覺得此節目蠻有趣於是放上來幫忙號召一下.

大家聽過MICROWAVE微波國際新媒體藝術節嗎? 原來這個一年一度的藝術節, 把國外精采的作品以展覽、現場演出、演唱會等形式接觸大眾.

這年藝術節將屏幕文化如何影響生活的問題帶進群眾. 而其中一個重頭節目名為: 乍現影院 - 彷彿,最後一次 ("as if it were the last time" sharing).

時間: 12月4日晚上6時30分 (至7時)
地點: 荃灣神秘地點
做什麼: 大家一起用30分鐘演活一場絕世好戲

這一場乍現影院剛在比利時舉行, 當天有700人參與, 大會希望香港人也可以盡情參與, 擁抱一種在現實生活中難以感受的電影體驗.

這是一場可以由近千人一起演活的電影, 還有兩位來自英國的新媒體藝術家Duncan Speakman(概念藝術家)及Sarah Anderson(作曲及小提琴家)的協助及參與, 三十分鐘裡, 有點像flashmob一樣, 不過不是跳舞或什麼, 而是和一群互不相識的人一起演活一齣電影.

大會會於12月2日發送神秘電郵, 送你一幅地圖, 一段音效, 約定你


Monday, November 15, 2010

You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger 遇上陌生情人

不打算寫幾段了, 電影令我有點失望. 本以為有Anthony Hopkins, 首次見他出現於Woody Allen的電影, 戲份不算太少, 不過完全沒有驚喜.

RottenTomatoes都只是47%, 夠中肯.

如果學The Four Word Film Review, 我或會寫:
not among woody's best
a waste of cast
wait to see dvd

Naomi Watts應該也是首次和Woody Allen合作吧, 中規中矩.

Josh Brolin一角由他來演適合, 潦倒又肥.

Freida Pinto就是Slumdog Millionaire那個女主角. 老外眼中的漂亮印度女子.

旁白, 其實有時我幾miss Woody Allen的麻煩聲音 :) (這回不是他本人/通常都是有他本人飾演才是他自己做旁白吧)

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday Stealing

Another 14 Question Meme:

1. Lots of pillows or just one? Describe your pre-sleeping rituals.

2. What kind of books do you read?
散文; 很偶然才看小說; 自傳/傳記/心理學或電影有關

3. What are your neighbors like?

4. What's really creepy to you?
講大話唔眨眼的人; 皮笑肉不笑的人; 口賤睇小人心地又唔好的人

5. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
Brothers & Sisters; Matthew Rhys/Kevin Walker; Luke Macfarlane/Scotty Wandell

6. Do you prefer your junk food sweet, salty or savory?

7. What was the last expensive thing you bought?
唔, how do you define expensive先? 一對鞋maybe

8. What is your greatest fear?
loss of loved ones

9. Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave?

10. What do you do to change your mood?
睇場戲, 聽隻歌, 跳吓舞, 食件餅

11. What was the last meal you ate that you loved?
唔記得添... :P (要成餐樣樣都勁鍾意... 真係唔記得邊餐)

12. Do you want to learn another language? If so, why?

13. What's something that you'd like to say to someone right now?
要講嘅嘢/人已講咗, 無講嘅嘢亦無必要再同嗰啲人講喇

14. What are you looking forward to?

The Pasture Test

You Are Poetic

You see beauty, colors, and inspiration where other people see nothing.

You are a gentle and sensitive soul that craves love and understanding.

You take pride in your interesting ideas, and you feel wounded if others challenge you too fiercely.

You feel most comfortable in places where you know everyone. It's likely you are still in touch with your childhood friends.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Wooloomooloo Steakhouse

從未光顧過Wooloomooloo, 現在多個區都有它的蹤影, 這天約了友人來午餐, 即管看看31樓又有景觀的Wooloomooloo是怎樣. 本來以為有戶外座位的, 那天去見不到, 或許是頂樓那層?

Set lunch$138, 有頭盆, 主菜及咖啡/茶. 要甜品的話加$35.

友人要了湯, 我揀羊肉春卷, 有丁點咖哩味:
主菜又揀了羊, 這天全羊宴! 味道很不錯, 喜歡那個汁:
看OpenRice有人勁彈服務, 有時想, 現在的餐廳是不是有人負責上OpenRice看看反應再作改善的呢? 這天去服務沒什麼問題.

日間來遠眺跑馬地及港島東, 海景則不多了. 晚間來景觀應該不錯.
地址說是The Hennessy, 軒尼斯道, 實則門口是莊士頓道, 夏巴側, 那天被誤導, 找了一會才見門口.
