
Tuesday, May 26, 2009

男人 老

是晚看完Michelangelo AntonioniBlowup(1966), 男主角David Hemmings雖不算型到爆, 也算"有番咁上下". 其實有點像我大學時期曾迷戀過的男孩(香港男)的樣子, 他那時(對, 只是那時, 現在唔多掂... :P 多得facebook! haha!)比Hemmings更俊俏!好了, 準備好未? 等一等...

請scroll down...

Voila! 老了的Hemmings! 死未?!
真係唔好俾自己肥呀! 男人呀! :) hahaha!

都係Vanessa Redgrave犀利, 回來上網搜查一會才知道片中美女Jane就是她! Wow! 現在老了也依然高貴漂亮啊!


Mag Yip said...


chris said...

90年代Vanessa Redgrave拍Enchanted April時,穿泳衣游水的鏡頭,還是很Fit!

Karelian said...


加燦 said...

Looks like Hemmings lived a happy life (he looked happed) even he died too young (62).

Now Vanessa Redgrave was charming in the photo but then I remember how sad she was when her daughter Natasha Richardson died in a tragic skiing accident recently.

P.S. As some stage in our lives (sooner for some, later for others) we learn to not care about how people see us as long as we are happy and healthy.

Miss Yim San said...


mad dog said...

Mag: 絕對係!!!

chris: 搵番張相睇睇先. 佢兩個女都無咁靚.

karelian: hahaha!!!

加燦: 你又知Hemmings一生無悲傷事發生過? 我諗即使佢身邊人都唔知邊個活得更快樂. 快唔快樂都要keep住個樣.

miss yim san: 好似話佢對眉係佢個icon嚟架! hahahah!

ray chan said...

早排我也有看blow up, 我都search到佢老樣之後嚇左一跳

mad dog said...

ray: 係囉, 佢後生都叫幾靚仔嘛.

聶秀康 said...


當然現在後生會貪靚...就算老應該不差 太遠...卦?

mad dog said...

聶: 健康當然重要, 但都唔好俾自己變得太肥 :)

加燦 said...


"快唔快樂都要keep住個樣", for us? May be thats why many many stars never age by using botox or going under the knife.

While it may be too much to ask to have a life without sadness. It is easier to find moments of happiness. And here is one of those moment for Hemmings,

"In an interview with the Guardian two years ago, Hemmings was asked if he would still like to direct movies. "Never say never, but I will never direct again," he replied. "I'm back from America, and I think the time has come to say that all those wonderful Malibu parties are behind me. I have no ambitions, except to paint. I live in a market town, in a mill house with the river running both sides and Somerfield's car park only a loose nine-iron away, and I really, really, really, love it.""

Here is the obit where the above quote came from,

P.S. I hope you don't mind me not simply agreeing with you.

Tessa said...

其實想像唔到老左既David Hemmings係咁既樣..... 條眉簡直走晒樣呀~~~

mad dog said...

tessa: exactly!

Agnes Tse said...

David Hemmings早幾年前仙遊了.

mad dog said...

agnes: 我知呀, imdb都有寫.