1. 網友久不久又送來歌曲, 實在太好了! (其實都是因為這個才忽然想起寫這篇) 好像iPod上有三份一的歌都是贈送的! wowowow! :)
2. 免費贈品只收過星記咖啡咋... 我沒有好些blogger如素顏那般有那麼多化妝護膚品samples收, 真羨慕. :)
3. 覺得寫blog好像已是副業, 沒有錢的副業.
4. 不寫一天, 好像有點虧欠. 其實哪有人等看我的文章... :(
5. 相機差不多天天都在袋裡.
6. 寫了自己喜歡但相信很少人有興趣的文章, 又連忙想要寫一篇大眾喜歡的.
7. 認識了數個投契的網友, 天天吹水... 成了"地下女子組織" :)
8. 寫blog寫到被anonymous讀者挑戰: 你喜歡寫blog多過喜歡電影吧 (我說: 就算係, 咁又關你咩事?! ) ... 何況我又無講過我鍾意電影多於一切...
9. 間接因為寫blog, 又發現很多好blog和sites, 天天在網上用了許多許多時間... 報紙少看了, 電視少看了...
10. 發覺其實要傳話, 這個blog可能比facebook及emails更快更遠.
cr: 你太客氣喇 :)
mad dog..
聶: 非電影文章. :) ha! dc方便呀, 壞咗都唔肉痛.
Mag: thank you! :)
就是因為不停click來click去,所以無意中發現你的blog :)))
Dora: 哈, 他鄉遇故知... :)
> 4. 不寫一天, 好像有點虧欠. 其實哪有人等看我的文章... :(
Ha ha, is this a trick question?
> 5. 相機差不多天天都在袋裡.
I know someone who carries a camera all the time too. I like my bigger Lumix lens so I don't carry mine all the time.
> 6. 寫了自己喜歡但相信很少人有興趣的文章, 又連忙想要寫一篇大眾喜歡的
Ha ha, "balance"?
> 7. [...] 成了"地下女子組織"
Funny, yet scary. :)
> 8. 寫blog寫到被anonymous讀者挑戰 [...]
I am lucky in using Wordpress. If I were you and know that the anonymous 讀者 obviously mean ill and was just wasting my time, I would have auto-delete comments & messages from his/her ip addresses long time time. Sorry to hear you had to deal with this kind of anonymous讀者.
> 9. 報紙少看了, 電視少看了
ha ha, one bad, one good. :)
Pt 10, means ur blog is very efficient. haha
加燦: 6/ balance, sort of, cos i dun want to disappoint readers. 7/ it's not scary, it's just some funny name we call ourselves. we are female bloggers who chat everyday somewhere in the cyberspace. 8/ well, i got weird comments from time to time. strange ppl r everywhere, can't help. sigh.
echo: cos i am here everyday ma. :)
#4, 你咁謙虛 :)
#4, 你咁謙虛 :)
md... 我依家都要到 weekend 才追睇番所有人的blog, 不過令我有blogging 的念頭是從睇你的blog 開始!
imak: 你都寫咗好耐呀, 關我事咩? :)
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