2. 前兩天還在說什麼Apple Tablet一定不會考慮... 不過iPad價錢這麼抵又好像蠻吸引... 假如買, 或會考慮32GB沒有3G那隻...
3. 腳趾甲狀況不算壞, 只是為安全著想, 都是約了去看chiropody好了. 原來也有同學早前因on pointe弄瘀了腳趾, 腳甲差不多脫掉去了看醫生.
4. 又在夢中見到父親了. 差不多每一次夢境都是他回來和我們生活. 這次是, 周五晚上, 他在床上看著舊西片, 都是錄影帶. 戴著耳筒看, 以防吵醒母親.
5. 太多電影, 太少時間. 影碟還未計算在內.
6. 今天做了兩件開心事: 吃了味美日式午餐; 回來時買了一件靚餅給同事.
ha ha, 我是以為你是第一類女士tim。
叫我dress up一日都覺得辛苦..
ipad嗎, 我覺得除非你諗住係屋企用
如果會諗住帶出街或者去旅行, 最好都係有埋3G個隻
and, 應該下一次update會有cam & 可以講到電話。
uncleray: 好難架, 邊有咁好閒情. ipad, 不過我唔會鍾意咁樣睇書...
不是公主: 我都幾懶架, 尤其是星期一, 通常都著到幾求其吓, 是是但但搵件衫就算. 有時要心情ok又一早諗定著咩先會刻意少少. ipad, 如果屋企成日用, 我驚頭膊又有問題架喇... 要諗諗... 同埋唔知會唔會好熱.
Ditto with Point 1!!! Never know how do those gals can keep themselve so glamourous all the time! It's a very tiring thing to me to imagine it!
echo: yeah, they must have a good collection of really nice clothes plus the time to mix and match.
慢慢等啦, 總之蘋果野就唔好急..
同埋最新消息, iBook Store根本無諗住係美國以外0既地方推出
不是公主: 聽咗唔少iPad嘅弊處, 宜家係, 我係咪好想多一件玩具咁囉 :)
And the energy + the heart & the mood as well. :-b
我公司都有一個外貌不算出眾, 但差不多每一日都穿得花枝招展的女子, 佢話要保持競爭力喎... 我? 日日都是黑白藍灰, 快呀... 有時間都用嚟瞓啦, 何況個部門都無靚仔...
did u watch the 60+ of last nite? penelope cruz said she picked her toe nail off for ballet in the past... passionate but so horrible...
echo: yup!
anon: 黑白藍灰, 我都係呀. 不過我公司果位都係深色系列多, 但係好"去飲"/party look架日日都, 非常佩服. 可能營業部啲人習慣係咁.
anon: no i missed 60 mins+, picked her nail for ballet?!?! ouch! i only know all professional ballerinas dun have nice looking feet and toes. i saw cruz's ballet photo though.
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