請容我搬字... :)
是晚初試來上課, 或許因穿了convertible tights, 腳板有少許觸到地面, 轉圈時有點不妥… 最後還得換回ballet slippers… 真係貪得意!
聽日就法蘭西電影節啦… 有齣土耳其電影(Three Monkeys)無寫到… 兩齣德國(The Edukators; Rabbits Without Ears); 亦無寫Bella… 都想寫架本來…
法蘭西片, 會睇九套.
我竟然係Tomato Soup! ~ You are open minded and curious about the world. You can help but learn as much as you can about things. You are introverted, intellectual, and introspective. In other words, you have a big brain… and you use it. You are a bit of a culinary expert, and you are an excellent cook. You know how to balance delicate flavors well and can whip up a mean bowl of soup.
如果一廂情願去相信一些事情可以令自己愉快, 也不是一件壞事.
嘩 九套 !
michelle: :) 我好鍾意法蘭西片架. 平時hkiff都睇三四十套, 今次9套ok啦 :)
what? 三四十套? 頭都暈啦 :P
我是 Minestrone :)
michelle: hkiff一年一次, 係辰攞假去睇架 :) french film fest選擇唔係太多, 9套ok. :) 我下星期又放假! ha. minestrone即係點? more open than tomato?
I like watching movies but not as many as what you've seen.
(My list of movies: http://www.douban.com/people/1185678/ )
haricot: thanks for sharing! :)
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