1. 友人已婚有孩子. 他的前度我也認識. 昨天我說在facebook上見到她的近照, send給他看好嗎, 他堅決不要... 我偏要send! :) ha! 然後我說: 那他一定仍然非常非常想她了... 全中! so sad... 如果有人send我前度的近照給我, 我一定會想看. 八吓嘛! 十二年前的事了... 真的會連相片也不想看??? why why why?
2. 買午餐時去了Dymocks逛了一圈. 買了一本Drawing Pack給大甥女(其中一份聖誕禮物啦). 還買了一本children's book... 給自己: "Pirouette: Ballet Stories". Ha! 是給小孩子看的, 不過很想看喎. 或許看完送給孩子們吧. 節日氣氛濃厚, 總想買買買!
3. K記新聞轉了景, 好看了. Anchor們沒有以往那麼大個頭, 都變得漂亮了. 或許是燈光問題.
4. 美國有新片: "
Two Lovers". 想看! 我喜歡
Gwyneth Paltrow.

(Two Lovers is a romantic drama set in New York City. It tells the story of Leonard (Joaquin Phoenix), an attractive but depressed young man who moves back in with his parents following a recent heartbreak. An aspiring photographer, Leonard works part-time at his father's dry-cleaners. His concerned parents try to set him up with Sandra (Vinessa Shaw), the sweet and caring daughter of a close family friend. A big family dinner serves as their introduction and Leonard arranges to see her again. Then late one night Leonard looks out his bedroom window and notices a ravishing young woman he's never seen before. Michelle (Gwyneth Paltrow) recently moved into an apartment in his family's building - an apartment paid for by the wealthy married man she's seeing.)
5. 近日公司頻有"大龍鳳"上演. 好不精彩. Stranger than movies!
6. 這星期有兩天上班趕急情況是, 要帶化妝品上的士. 化了八成妝. 回到公司再完成那兩成. 我都服咗自己. 咩事?
7. 開始了Christmas shopping, 頗興奮. 其實買禮物送人, 比收禮物更快樂. 多年如是.
8. 七友聖誕聚+十二月二人生日慶生, 約了多次, 終於落實了一天了. 佳節約人真艱難.
9. 在facebook上寫status要非常小心. 一句: XXX has started Christmas shopping! 也有意想不到的回響! 人都癲...
10. Pet Society我隻寵物正在儲錢買loudspeaker. 期待中.
11. 昨晚跳舞課後去了快速shopping. 買了一對鞋一件衫給自己. :)
12. 今天下班後會繼續購物. 好嘢! :)
"send給他看好嗎, 他堅決不要... 我偏要send! :) "你好搞野~
I started Christmas shopping in early December. Almost done with all the "delivery". =P
uncle ray: 聖誕嘛! :)
bibe: 哈哈, 唔係點叫做朋友呢? :)
carrie: almost done?! wow!!! i've just started!
可能你的男性朋友 見到前度以變了性取享, 她變了個同姓戀或雙姓戀,心裏猶有餘悸。
佢嘅心情 我好睇諒!
eeeason: 你咪扮嘢啦喺度... 呀友人... :)
carrie: 咁快送哂俾人唔怕氣氛走哂? :)
我好多年前係lunch時撞見到個以前差啲一齊嘅男仔,我當時好開心,諗住o甘多年冇見,想上前相認返呢位「朋友」,但係佢.....立刻低頭......當睇我唔到..... (;_;)
miss yim san: 乜佢咁架... 唔... 所以可能因為佢放唔低先唔想見到你.
我也在FB 找到十二年前的ex, 嚇死我! 肥到吖佢!!!!
imak: 男人一老一肥... 可以好慘不忍睹... :)
長送長有(有D人我會買幾份分幾次送)....總之25號一定會有一份禮物收 ^^
carrie: so nice to be your friends!
嘩loud speaker通常要買一對架bor~ 要成6gmb...貴 ><
我買聖誕裝飾已經用哂o的coins...仲心思思想學人砌部鋼琴,好貪心 :P
blackgoldfish: piano???!??? where???? loudspeaker買住一個先啦, 我琴日貪心換牆紙又換地氈, 無哂錢啦又... :(
cap左幅圖俾你睇 (http://twitpic.com/ul41)
左邊係自製鋼琴︰用white sink、antique shelf同royal shelf整
右邊既鋼琴就唔知響邊度買~ 中國式rug我都好想要 :P
blackgoldfish: wowowowo!!!! 你架隻pet?! 點解可以有grand piano?!?!?!? 好好好好勁呀! level 28可以玩到咁? 我都25啦, 但好多都未買到... :(
唔係啦....我探人地隻pet見到好羨慕ja~ :P
blackgoldfish: oh i c. 唔怪得有兩隻pets啦 :)
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