Because in most relationships, like it or not, guys take the leadership position, and women, no matter how capable they are, tend to resign to the subordinate position, by choice or by nature, I don't know. And if the relationship doesn't quite work out, we of course place the blame on the leader. Like a listed company, the CEO takes full responsibility.
If a relationship doesn't work out, many women still choose to believe that things will turn around, like you invest in a bad stock, it's falling, you buy more, hoping that it will shoot back up instead of doing the right thing, just cut the loss and walk away. It happens to the brightest women. In that sense, sure women are responsible for their bad judgment.
"時間是大家的, 不可以說白活了、虛度了, 或被欺騙了. 一起的日子, 從第一天開始, 你都有選擇權, 只在乎你有沒有去選擇繼續抑或離開." 很好既分享呀吓~又提醒我這名野蠻女友..難怪我男友話我自私啦,諗諗下都係架喎.我要悔改~ >_<
Because in most relationships, like it or not, guys take the leadership position, and women, no matter how capable they are, tend to resign to the subordinate position, by choice or by nature, I don't know. And if the relationship doesn't quite work out, we of course place the blame on the leader. Like a listed company, the CEO takes full responsibility.
If a relationship doesn't work out, many women still choose to believe that things will turn around, like you invest in a bad stock, it's falling, you buy more, hoping that it will shoot back up instead of doing the right thing, just cut the loss and walk away. It happens to the brightest women. In that sense, sure women are responsible for their bad judgment.
from the guy who doesn't know better
墮天使: 或許是吧.
karelian: 愛裡總有自私. 有誰不是愛自己多於對方?
lcl: "many women still choose to believe that things will turn around" hmm... now really. things won't turn around if they just don't work out fine.
maki: 即係無去滾又支支吾吾然後講白痴大話?? 點解?
uncle: 失去了總要找說話來安慰自己嘛.
鹹魚蛋撻: 是借口, 是自我安慰.
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