
Courtesy of the AP (美聯社)
Jan 9
ISRAEL - Mahmoud Abbas elected Palestinian Authority President. 阿巴斯被選為巴勒斯坦權力機構主席
Jan 10
UKRAINE - Viktor Yushchenko declared winner of presidential vote. 尤先科被選為烏克蘭總統
Feb 10
NORTH KOREA - announced it has nuclear arms. 北韓宣佈擁有核武
Feb 14
LEBANON - former prime minister Rafik Hariri killed in bombing; 1 million rally. 黎巴嫩前總理哈利利被炸死, 一百萬人上街
Feb 22
IRAN - earthquake killed more than 600. 伊朗地震六百人死
Mar 3
USA - millionaire Steve Fossett became first to fly solo around the world without stopping or refueling. 美國富豪冒險家福塞特創下第一個單人駕機中途不落地環繞地球一圈的世界紀錄
Mar 14
CHINA - parliament enacted law authorizing force to stop rival Taiwan from pursuing formal independence. 中台問題
Mar 16
CANADA - a Canadian judge aquitted two India-born Sikhs of killing 331 people in the 1985 bombings of an Air India plane. 加拿大法官判兩印藉疑犯在1985年炸毀一印度航空飛機一案無罪釋放
Apr 2
ITALY - Pope John Paul II died; succeeded by German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. 教宗若望保祿二世逝世, 德國籍的樞機主教拉辛格繼任
Apr 6
MONACO - Prince Rainier III of Monaco died, leaving throne to Prince Albert II. 摩納哥國王雷尼爾三世病逝, 王儲阿爾貝二世繼位
Apr 7
KASHMIR - historic bus service began between part controlled by India, the other by Pakistan. 印巴分佔喀什米爾60年來首度巴士互通
Apr 21
SUDAN - UN Human Rights Commission adopted resolution condemning abuses. 聯合國人權委員會制定有效譴責人道災難方案
Apr 26
LEBANON - Syria completed withdrawal after 29-year military presence. 鈙利亞撤軍
May 3
IRAQ - first democratically elected government in its history sworn in. 首個民主選舉政府產生
May 5
BRITAIN - Prime Minister Tony Blair won historic third term. 首相貝利亞三度繼任
July 6
ENGLAND - London awarded 2012 Olympics. 倫敦獲選2012奧運主辦權
July 7
ENGLAND - London transit hit by four suicide bombs, killing 52 people. 倫敦遭連環爆炸襲擊
July 23
EGYPT - bombs in Sharm el-Sheik killed at least 88 people in nation's deadliest terror attack. 埃及受襲
Aug 2
CENTRAL AMERICA - President George W. Bush signed free trade agreement with five nations. 美國總統布殊與五國簽署自由貿易協議
Aug 3
MAURITANIA - military junta toppled president. 茅利塔尼亞政變
Aug 29
USA - Hurricane Katrina hit Louisiana and Gulf Coast states; 1,300 deaths reported. 颶風卡特里娜造成一千三百人死亡
Sep 19
AFGHANISTAN - country held landmark legislative elections; Taliban and al-Qaida fighting continued. 阿富汗舉行立法院選舉; 塔利班及亞蓋達持續戰亂
Sep 26
NORTHERN IRELAND - international weapons instructors announced the Irish Republican Army's full disarmament. 北愛解除武器
Oct 8
TURKEY - country reported its first cases of bird flu. 土耳其首宗禽流感
Oct 8
PAKISTAN - earthquake triggered landslides that killed at least 87,350 people in Pakistan, India, and Afghanistan. 巴基斯坦地震引起山泥傾瀉造成八萬多人死亡
Nov 3
FRANCE - riots touched off by deaths of two teenagers in Paris suburb Oct. 27 spread to 20 towns. 法國郊區騷亂
Nov 9
JORDAN - suicide bombers attacked US-based hotels in Amman; 63 people killed. 約旦美資酒店受襲, 六十三人死
Nov 14
VENEZUELA - Mexico and Venezuela sever diplomatic relations after name-calling dispute. 墨西哥及委內瑞拉斷絕外交關係
Nov 22
GERMANY - Angela Merkel elected first female chancellor. 安格拉梅克爾成為德國首位女性總理
Nov 23
LIBERIA - Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf became Africa's first elected female president. 瑟利夫成為非洲首位女總統
Nov 27
FRANCE - world's first partial face transplant performed. 世界首例臉部部分移植手術在法國進行
Dec 11
AUSTRALIA - race rioting began in Sydney. 悉尼種族騷亂
Dec 12
CHILE - Michelle Bachelet poised to become first female president. 智利左派巴舍萊成為首位女總統
其他 (courtesy of Yahoo News):
The war in Iraq ground on, a mixture of hope, despair, and progress against a grim backdrop of attacks against civilians, officials, and U.S. and Iraqi forces. The trial of former dictator Saddam Hussein began in July.
Space shuttle Discovery blasted off in July, returning the U.S. to space more than two years after the shuttle Columbia disaster.
President George W. Bush was sworn in for a second term on Jan. 20 -- an unruffled prologue to an era dogged by controversy.
Health officials braced for the threat of a global avian flu pandemic.
The national debate over euthanasia reached a boiling point when Terri Schiavo died in late March, almost two weeks after a feeding tube that kept her alive was removed.
The identity of the man who was the key to bringing down Republican president Richard Nixon during the Watergate scandal was revealed after three decades of mystery -- W. Mark Felt.
Chief Justice William Rehnquist died on Sept. 3 at the age of 80.
A petite seamstress from Alabama who refused to give her bus seat to a white man inspired powerful social and political change in life as well as in death - seminal civil rights protester Rosa Parks.
Israel completed its pull-out from the Gaza Strip in August, ending a 38-year occupation of the region.
Energy prices -- already pushed higher by the Iraq War, sharply increasing demand from China and India, and production bottlenecks -- spiked in September when Hurricanes Katrina and Rita disrupted refining and distribution capacity.
The tech sector partied like it was 1999 in 2005. (tech boom)
Drug Companies Under Fire. For Merck it was a particularly painful year, marked by lawsuits over its withdrawn arthritis drug, Vioxx, and global cost cuts.
Martha Stewart - five months later she emerged from house arrest with not one, but two network television programs.
The auto industry was hit hard in 2005 by increased competition from abroad, a record-breaking hurricane season and labor issues. General Motors announced plans to cut 30,000 jobs in November.
Google's intent to digitize millions of library books and make them searchable on the Web thrust the intellectual property battle into the headlines.
Insecure identity - Some serious hacks were made in the digital data exchange this year. In June, MasterCard International announced a security breach that could threaten the data of 40 million of its credit card accounts for all its brands.
Couple Fever - Celebrities came in pairs in 2005. Tom Cruise -- airborne above Oprah Winfrey's couch -- proclaimed his love for fiancee Katie Holmes. Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston called it quits and then made headlines with Angelina Jolie and Vince Vaughn. "Newlyweds" Nick Lachey and Jessica Simpson headed for divorce. And we can't forget the birth of Britney Spears' son.
"King of Pop" Michael Jackson was acquitted of all charges in a child molestation trial in June.
The 30-year host of the "Tonight" show, Johnny Carson, died at age 79 in late January.
Box Office Slump. The year was also tough on DVD and video rentals: rentals were down by 10 percent.
Harry Potter continued to captivate readers and moviegoers around the world.
Former "Baretta" star Robert Blake was acquitted in March of murdering his wife, Bonny Lee Bakley, after a drawn-out trial.
Punk revivalists Green Day arguably had the most successful year in the music industry.
The face of America's evening news was transformed in 2005. In the wake of Tom Brokaw's retirement in late 2004, Dan Rather signed off in March, and Peter Jennings died in August.
Lance Armstrong made his retirement plans clear: having won his record-breaking seventh straight Tour de France in July, he was hanging up the yellow jersey at the age of 33.
CNN News:
Tsunami aftermath
Inauguration Day
Elections in Iraq
Martha Stewart released
The Schiavo debate (mercy killing)
Pope John Paul II dies
Eric Rudolph pleads guilty (to a string of attacks in Alabama and Georgia, including a deadly blast during the 1996 Olympics)
Prince Charles weds
Deep Throat revealed - Mark Felt admits to Vanity Fair magazine that he was "Deep Throat"
Michael Jackson not guilty
London subway bombings
Space shuttle's return
The Gaza withdrawal
Katrina makes landfall
Justice Rehnquist dies
Quake strikes South Asia
The Saddam Hussein trial
US death toll in Iraq reaches 2,000
Scooter Libby indicted
Jordan hotels bombed