
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Goodbye Brothers & Sisters!

和美國同步追看"Brothers & Sisters", 看到Season 5第廿二集也未知會不會有Season 6, 數天前得悉ABC cancel了B&S, 很失望. 不過其實近日身心都繁忙, 根本沒時間去失望.

五個season其實很不簡單. 當然至最喜歡的仍然是Kevin(Matthew Rhys)和Scotty(Luke Macfarlane). 幸而在twitter上follow了一大群B&S fans, 互相安慰/支持一番. 當中還有劇中演員Gilles Marini, 離開了兩個season的Rob Lowe, Calista Flockhart, Balthazar Getty, 還有這兩天才加入的Dave Annable! 還有producer之一的Nicole Carrasco. 不過Matthew Rhys和Luke Macfarlane真人都未加入... :(

Rachel Griffiths(Sara)正準備和老公及孩子們回老家澳洲了. 原來她和Calista Flockhart(Kitty)拍攝第廿二集時都說: what if this is it? 連她們都未準備說再見呢. 唉, 真的捨不得他們!

也多得這個fan把我心愛的Kevin & Scotty片段一一放在youtube上.image source


Miss K said...

I have been watching the show on Pearl and I love it! It brought tears in my eyes during every episode. Even make me consider giving Caitlyn a bro or a sis!!

mad dog said...

Miss K: haven't seen u her for a long time! didn't expect u r still reading my blog. ;) yeah, I love thus show so much. Go to to view all eipsodes!