Tuesday, August 31, 2010
兩周一聚: 繾綣華埠
去過多少個地方的唐人街呢? 數一數:
Washington, DC
New York
San Francisco
印象較深的是New York, San Francisco及Toronto的, 去得最多的是Toronto, New York也去過多次. 其實Chicago的也多去, 那時跟大學友人們去(車程約兩小時), 為的都是飲茶和去唐人店舖買"糧食"! 最記得當年去唐人超市掃出前一丁和美極醬油! :)
New York唐人街感覺比較恐怖, 怎麼說呢, 因為較多三山五嶽的面孔, 什麼越南幫之類, 去吃越南粉都好像要打醒十二分精神. 或許因為不認識吧, 總欠缺安全感.
Washington, DC
New York
San Francisco
印象較深的是New York, San Francisco及Toronto的, 去得最多的是Toronto, New York也去過多次. 其實Chicago的也多去, 那時跟大學友人們去(車程約兩小時), 為的都是飲茶和去唐人店舖買"糧食"! 最記得當年去唐人超市掃出前一丁和美極醬油! :)
New York唐人街感覺比較恐怖, 怎麼說呢, 因為較多三山五嶽的面孔, 什麼越南幫之類, 去吃越南粉都好像要打醒十二分精神. 或許因為不認識吧, 總欠缺安全感.
其實Toronto到處都是唐人街, 又哪只Dundas和Spadina那一帶. 最感安全及自在應該是Toronto了, 每次去總會買點花旗參回來.
San Francisco的唐人街, 第一次去是十多年前跟友人們去, 當然還有在"天下為公"下拍照了. 去年再踏足那裡, 有一晚沒見多年的好友竟無聊地帶我閒逛了幾圈, 那晚好像只有12C, 一邊走一邊怕著涼. 最好笑是, 他和我說了許多三藩市唐人街的歷史及故事. 他是我回港後才去美國的, 一恍便十多年了. 十多年前三藩市唐人街給我的感覺是像深水埗. 這回再到訪, 好像沒多大變化. 不過香港的深水埗已經不是這個模樣了.
Sydney唐人街, 我只記得那間金塘酒樓. 2001年去, $40AUD便有一大隻鮑魚吃(那年$1AUD=$5.4HKD). 那次去了十天八天好像都光顧了兩餐. 也吃過那兒的越南河.
London唐人街, 是跟旅行團去, 飲茶吃點心.
Washington, DC的, 其實只被迫去吃了一頓又昂貴又難吃的晚餐.
差點忘了說Hawaii, 當然也有吃越南粉! :)
一想起唐人餐館, 就想起那一陣"獨特"的氣味.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
1. 有時看電影可以看完近乎完全沒有看一樣. 即是個多小時裡, 靈魂有八成時間都去了老遠的地方. 看畢只有數個畫面留在腦中. 你問我故事說什麼... 答不到.
2. 晚上去了iSquare的牛藏, 不錯. 值得再來.
3. 提自己: 不要為明天憂慮, 因為明天自有明天的憂慮; 一天的難處一天當就夠了. (太: 6:34)
4. 菲律賓挾持人質事件, 連身在馬來西亞的好友也忽然send個短訊給我安慰, 可見事件之震撼. 要繼續為死難者及家人禱告.
5. 昨晚睡了九小時有多, 應該是數星期以來最多的一天, 滿足.
6. 要勇往直前. 自勉一番.
2. 晚上去了iSquare的牛藏, 不錯. 值得再來.
3. 提自己: 不要為明天憂慮, 因為明天自有明天的憂慮; 一天的難處一天當就夠了. (太: 6:34)
4. 菲律賓挾持人質事件, 連身在馬來西亞的好友也忽然send個短訊給我安慰, 可見事件之震撼. 要繼續為死難者及家人禱告.
5. 昨晚睡了九小時有多, 應該是數星期以來最多的一天, 滿足.
6. 要勇往直前. 自勉一番.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Are You Dusk or Dawn?
You Are Dusk |
![]() You are a naturally idealistic and creative person. You look forward to nights where everything is possible. You spend most of your energy on play. Work is okay, but the true you emerges after the work day is done. You're an offbeat type that doesn't like rules or schedules. Life's too short to waste at a desk in a cube. Whether you spend your night socializing or working on side projects, you like that your time is yours. |
Friday, August 27, 2010
Sylvie Guillem: On the Edge

印象中沒看過她的演出, 在電影中看到的是一個身材很高挑的ballerina, 還有修長美腿和很高的arch. 很少見過這麼高的芭蕾舞蹈員, 原來她有六尺!
頗喜歡此片, 剪接得不錯, 對我來說沒有悶場, 雖然完場後聽到有人說很悶.
電影中看到的還有個性突出, 柔中帶剛的Sylvie Guillem. 超過二十年的舞台經驗, 每一次演出前仍然是那麼認真, 緊張. 她是會緊張得顫抖的那種. 記得她說, 演出Swan Lake, 年輕時很享受, 但演出得越久, 經驗越多, 觀眾對她更有期望, 那種享受已經不一樣了.
四十出頭仍在舞台上散發她獨有的魅力, 非常佩服.
Sylvie Guillem & Nicolas Le Riche- Le lac des cygnes
Sacred Monsters - Akram Khan and Sylvie Guillem
看這些相片, 可見Sylvie Guillem形象多變, 每每給人驚喜:
Adelaide Festival
The Arts Desk
Thursday, August 26, 2010
因為工作關係, 恐怖相片及片段都看慣了, 早兩天還可以. 有人發惡夢, 然後提醒我: 你都唔好睇咁多(有關挾持人質事件)喇...
有網友看了一些片段感不安, 提我們不要去看. 我又去看.
工作時電視新聞長開, 到了晚上下班前還在看直播, 我終於支持不住了. 很不安, 很低落.
回家後避了一會, 看看其他電視節目. 之後都再看新聞, 哭了幾回. 好一點了.
這個月本來已經不好過的了, 這個星期更甚. 幸而還有"Brothers & Sisters"我追看, 不然真的會抑鬱.
大家要保重, 不要以為自己可以接受, 天天繼續追看新聞, 每人可以承受的都不同.
願死難者安息, 痛失至親的得到安慰, 勇敢面對以後的路.
有網友看了一些片段感不安, 提我們不要去看. 我又去看.
工作時電視新聞長開, 到了晚上下班前還在看直播, 我終於支持不住了. 很不安, 很低落.
回家後避了一會, 看看其他電視節目. 之後都再看新聞, 哭了幾回. 好一點了.
這個月本來已經不好過的了, 這個星期更甚. 幸而還有"Brothers & Sisters"我追看, 不然真的會抑鬱.
大家要保重, 不要以為自己可以接受, 天天繼續追看新聞, 每人可以承受的都不同.
願死難者安息, 痛失至親的得到安慰, 勇敢面對以後的路.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
"Sometimes the things you are most afraid of are the things that make you the happiest." ~ Nora (to son Justin)
(Brothers & Sisters Season 4 Episode 10 "Nearlyweds")
(Brothers & Sisters Season 4 Episode 10 "Nearlyweds")
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
What Origami Animal Are You?
You Are a Cat |
![]() You are agile and mysterious. You have you own way of navigating the world. You enjoy exploring new ideas and places, but you also like to be able to retreat quickly. You are a bit standoffish and aloof, but you aren't shy. In fact, you are brave and courageous. Always resourceful and fearless, you can handle any situation. You are a survivor. |
Monday, August 23, 2010
Sunday Stealing
The Majorly Personal Meme, Part One:
1. Are you happier now than you were five months ago?
i don't know
2. Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone that you shouldn't have?
3. Can you sleep in total darkness?
4. Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, the one who got away, what do you say?
no comment
5. What do you think about the weather this summer?
too hot
6. How many people do you trust with everything?
around 10
7. What was the last thing you drank?
8. Is there anyone you want to come see you?
my dad
9. Name one thing you love about winter?
the smell of winter
10. Have you ever dated a Goth?
11. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
no bad news
12. Name something you dislike about the day you're having?
13. What's the longest that you have committed to one person and one person only?
more than 13 years
14. What’s the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today?
looked at my alarm clock
15. Has anyone ever told you they never want to ever lose you?
yes. but that someone lost me.
16. Is there anybody that you wish you could fix your relationship with?
17. Could you go out in public, looking like you do now?
rather not
18. Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? How?
of course. things keep changing every now and then
19. Do you believe that you never know what you got until you lose it?
i do
20. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
of course, a few of them.
1. Are you happier now than you were five months ago?
i don't know
2. Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone that you shouldn't have?
3. Can you sleep in total darkness?
4. Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, the one who got away, what do you say?
no comment
5. What do you think about the weather this summer?
too hot
6. How many people do you trust with everything?
around 10
7. What was the last thing you drank?
8. Is there anyone you want to come see you?
my dad
9. Name one thing you love about winter?
the smell of winter
10. Have you ever dated a Goth?
11. What are you looking forward to tomorrow?
no bad news
12. Name something you dislike about the day you're having?
13. What's the longest that you have committed to one person and one person only?
more than 13 years
14. What’s the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today?
looked at my alarm clock
15. Has anyone ever told you they never want to ever lose you?
yes. but that someone lost me.
16. Is there anybody that you wish you could fix your relationship with?
17. Could you go out in public, looking like you do now?
rather not
18. Do you think things will change in the next 3 months? How?
of course. things keep changing every now and then
19. Do you believe that you never know what you got until you lose it?
i do
20. Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
of course, a few of them.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Life is full of surprises

過去的八九個月, 真的full of surprises. 再細想, 其實身邊的朋友這一兩年也經歷了不少.
總算什麼狀況下都能安睡, 這樣已是福份. Thank God.
總之凡事向好一方面看, 撇開負能量, 一切應該都會是好的.
image source
那晚即興去了中環域多利皇后街的"權之助", 早前聞說$168一人放題, 可以一試, 於是walk in. 結果是: 千奇唔好去!!!
其實一坐下已有人發現"唔對路". 例如點菜紙的模樣, 只有很cheap的地方才會用... 又或港式小店才會用那種. 又原來, 佐敦及太子也有分店(不過OpenRice上見太子分店評語不差). 此店前身是什麼濱之屋, 吃過一兩次, 蠻可以的.
網友都說: 你怎麼不上OR check check才去呢? 真慘. 原來中環這店真的很多人都彈的.
$168. 坦白說, 這樣貨色及賣相(有人拍了一兩張駭人相片, 稍後才補貼), 每位$60也嫌多.
沒 有 一 味 是 好 吃 的.
唯一叫多過一次是金菇牛肉卷及雞翼, 因為叫做有五分. 其餘都不及格. Sake也可以, 不過酒味不會錯到哪裡去吧, 除非會中酒毒.
青椒之類的可以是一隻膠碟上平放一片上菜, 你見過嗎? 好像小孩子做勞作/遊戲或玩煮飯仔才會弄上來的模樣, 十個驚嚇.
好了, 說是日本來的拉麵啦. 樣樣都差, 拉麵應該有點看頭吧. 算, 不要要求看頭, 應該合格吧. 對不起, 都是難吃.
另一攪笑事: 你叫了的都會上菜, 不過你沒有叫的, 也會送上來. 無拿拿吃多了三四碟沒有點的東東, 沒有叫人收回了, 因為根本沒人理你.
我說: 應該是全港最難吃的日式食肆.
有人說: 是全港最難吃的食肆.
其實一坐下已有人發現"唔對路". 例如點菜紙的模樣, 只有很cheap的地方才會用... 又或港式小店才會用那種. 又原來, 佐敦及太子也有分店(不過OpenRice上見太子分店評語不差). 此店前身是什麼濱之屋, 吃過一兩次, 蠻可以的.
網友都說: 你怎麼不上OR check check才去呢? 真慘. 原來中環這店真的很多人都彈的.
$168. 坦白說, 這樣貨色及賣相(有人拍了一兩張駭人相片, 稍後才補貼), 每位$60也嫌多.
沒 有 一 味 是 好 吃 的.
唯一叫多過一次是金菇牛肉卷及雞翼, 因為叫做有五分. 其餘都不及格. Sake也可以, 不過酒味不會錯到哪裡去吧, 除非會中酒毒.
青椒之類的可以是一隻膠碟上平放一片上菜, 你見過嗎? 好像小孩子做勞作/遊戲或玩煮飯仔才會弄上來的模樣, 十個驚嚇.
好了, 說是日本來的拉麵啦. 樣樣都差, 拉麵應該有點看頭吧. 算, 不要要求看頭, 應該合格吧. 對不起, 都是難吃.
另一攪笑事: 你叫了的都會上菜, 不過你沒有叫的, 也會送上來. 無拿拿吃多了三四碟沒有點的東東, 沒有叫人收回了, 因為根本沒人理你.
我說: 應該是全港最難吃的日式食肆.
有人說: 是全港最難吃的食肆.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Would You Rather...
很久沒有玩Glamour的Would You Rather Glamour Poll了. 找了一些一起玩:
1. Would you rather get
a) an all expenses paid trip to Abu Dhabi like the girls in the Sex and the City 2
b) a free head-to-toe makeover (including several outfits) by the What Not to Wear crew
2. Would you rather have
a) 6 toes on each foot
b) 6 nipples placed throughout your torso
A! 可以做手術吧! 唔...
3. Would you rather feel 100 percent confident...
a) at work
b) naked
這個... 有點難揀呢... B啦!
4. Would you rather have a boyfriend who doesn't at all care about whether
a) you shave your body hair (legs, underarms, etc)
b) you cook
5. Which look would you rather wear to work for one week?
a) Kesha's blue makeup (left)
b) Gaga's large headdress (right)
6. Would you rather...
a) look 100 percent beautiful to other people.
b) feel 100 percent beautiful to yourself.
A. so sad...
7. Which would you rather get to do for a month?
a) sleep in every morning
b) get a daily massage
B. 又不過A都很好了.
8. Would you rather
a) live in a world without wine, chocolate and cheese
b) walk the Victoria’s Secret runway show in a thong when you haven’t shaved or waxed in ages
真殘忍! B不過沒有人出席的!
9. Would prize would you rather win?
a) to be let loose in a department store for 30 minutes with a large bag you can fill with *one* of each makeup and skincare product you want for free
b) a lifetime supply of one pricey beauty product of your choice?
10. Would you rather
a) drink an entire bottle of ketchup
b) run into a dude who broke your heart on a bad hair day when your skin is freaking out
1. Would you rather get
a) an all expenses paid trip to Abu Dhabi like the girls in the Sex and the City 2
b) a free head-to-toe makeover (including several outfits) by the What Not to Wear crew
2. Would you rather have
a) 6 toes on each foot
b) 6 nipples placed throughout your torso
A! 可以做手術吧! 唔...
3. Would you rather feel 100 percent confident...
a) at work
b) naked
這個... 有點難揀呢... B啦!
4. Would you rather have a boyfriend who doesn't at all care about whether
a) you shave your body hair (legs, underarms, etc)
b) you cook

a) Kesha's blue makeup (left)
b) Gaga's large headdress (right)
6. Would you rather...
a) look 100 percent beautiful to other people.
b) feel 100 percent beautiful to yourself.
A. so sad...
7. Which would you rather get to do for a month?
a) sleep in every morning
b) get a daily massage
B. 又不過A都很好了.
8. Would you rather
a) live in a world without wine, chocolate and cheese
b) walk the Victoria’s Secret runway show in a thong when you haven’t shaved or waxed in ages
真殘忍! B不過沒有人出席的!
9. Would prize would you rather win?
a) to be let loose in a department store for 30 minutes with a large bag you can fill with *one* of each makeup and skincare product you want for free
b) a lifetime supply of one pricey beauty product of your choice?
10. Would you rather
a) drink an entire bottle of ketchup
b) run into a dude who broke your heart on a bad hair day when your skin is freaking out
~ Painter Balthus at his studio, 1990
© Henri Cartier-Bresson / Magnum Photos
這天slate.com的Today's Pictures系列是"Where Artists and Writers Live and Work". 小時候喜歡畫畫. 現在又忽然學人在網上寫寫寫(雖然都好幾年了), 不過始終畫家作家都做不成. 唔, 兒時曾想過做這兩樣嗎? 忘了.
下班後又跑去art workshop, 今天心情有點慌亂, 還在想, 去不去好呢? 最後都去了. 都好. 且畫室差不多只有我一人, 又可以肆無忌憚地亂畫了. 這天導師給我一個限制, 只可以用大掃, 不可用其他, 要學習用層面來創作, 不用線. 原來我都是比較喜歡喜樂一點的顏色, 太深沉的不太喜歡.
下班後又跑去art workshop, 今天心情有點慌亂, 還在想, 去不去好呢? 最後都去了. 都好. 且畫室差不多只有我一人, 又可以肆無忌憚地亂畫了. 這天導師給我一個限制, 只可以用大掃, 不可用其他, 要學習用層面來創作, 不用線. 原來我都是比較喜歡喜樂一點的顏色, 太深沉的不太喜歡.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Clothing Survey
TIGHTS: What materials do you prefer and/or what would you like to be available? Microfiber, mesh, seam, no seam, footless, stirrup, etc.
喜歡seam, 也喜歡footless. 都是microfiber較好.
LEOTARDS: How many leotards do you own? Out of those, how many are black? how many in color? what colors? What do you own the most of: Camisole, Tank, Halter, Short Sleeve, Long Sleeve, other (please describe)?
應該也有十件左右吧... 或更多. 大都是黑色, 也有burgundy及navy blue, dark purple等等. Camisole較多. 沒有long sleeve. 全身一件過也有. 最喜歡Danskin的Piece-Its, 穿在leotard外, 下身充當tights, 加條knitwear shorts, perfect.
WARM-UPS: If you were to buy one piece of warm-up dancewear, what would it be?
Knitwear shorts, 有時也穿legwarmers. Shrugs或arm warmers, 冬天時也有用.
Shoe Survey
For flat shoes or technique slippers: Canvas or Leather? All one material? or combination (ex: canvas and mesh) Split sole or full sole? What do you love about your flat shoes? What do you dislike about your flat shoes or wish you could change?
Canvas, split sole. 最好不穿襪, 腳及腳趾更感覺/觸到地面. 穿得canvas多了, 真的不愛leather flats了.
image from jupiterimages.com
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
得網友CR的感染(還有這篇), 又來寫一點.
1. Facebook上找到失去聯絡的大學友人.
2. M&S的lemon curd lakemead yogurt真的不錯, 已吃過三次了.
3. 電郵給老細, 很快回覆.
4. 擔憂的事擔憂不了.
5. 晚飯後去了Holly Brown吃gelato, 上次吃過的peach & orange這天沒有, 要了個peach & mango, 也不錯. 可以加mix and sauce. 要了brownie+chocolate sauce, yummy! (聞說Holly Brown已成了中環的新蛇竇)
6. 常常碰到好聽的歌曲.
7. 遺失了洗手間鎖匙(被偷了?)又竟有人也遺留了一條在洗手間裡.
8. 下了幾天雨, 炎熱稍退.
9. 明天打算去吃個味美的午餐.
10. Summer IFF開始了.
1. Facebook上找到失去聯絡的大學友人.
2. M&S的lemon curd lakemead yogurt真的不錯, 已吃過三次了.
3. 電郵給老細, 很快回覆.
4. 擔憂的事擔憂不了.
5. 晚飯後去了Holly Brown吃gelato, 上次吃過的peach & orange這天沒有, 要了個peach & mango, 也不錯. 可以加mix and sauce. 要了brownie+chocolate sauce, yummy! (聞說Holly Brown已成了中環的新蛇竇)
6. 常常碰到好聽的歌曲.
7. 遺失了洗手間鎖匙(被偷了?)又竟有人也遺留了一條在洗手間裡.
8. 下了幾天雨, 炎熱稍退.
9. 明天打算去吃個味美的午餐.
10. Summer IFF開始了.
Monday, August 16, 2010
What Color Pen Are You?
You Are a Red Pen |
![]() You have a flair for drama, and you tend to start trouble when things are too quiet. You feel extremely passionately, and you tend to think that each little problem is a crisis. You have no trouble speaking your mind, and it's an understatement to say your opinions are controversial. You've got something to say about everything and everyone - and you don't hold back! |
The Bicycle Test
You Are Assertive |
![]() You can't help it... you have a competitive streak. You like to be at the front of the pack. Your gut reactions are neither negative nor positive. You tend to see both sides of issues. You are efficient and savvy. You don't get tied down by unnecessary details. You are very self sufficient and independent. You prefer to rely on yourself. |
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Two Hands Touch...

"When two hands touch, two lives are changed forever. Cuz love flows deeper than we know. I’ve been wondering why we worry about things like this… "
然後想起... 十多年前的一月某天的早上... 你就是那樣, 右手拖著我的左手, 你還說: 唔知可以拖幾耐喇... 三個月? (示意我很快變心?!)
原來真的不只三個月. :)
Thursday, August 12, 2010
1. 不久前玩了一個遊戲, 看朋友怎樣看自己. 當中有友人用了"aloof"來形容我(當然還有其他較正面的形容詞了). Aloof, 即疏遠, 冷淡... 唔, 其實有時也覺得自己是這樣的.
2. 左右腦/左右手. 很奇怪地, 有些東西總愛用左手來幹, 如聽電話, 開樽蓋等等. 近日發現一件更奇的事. 我很少戴錶的, 即使以前戴, 都是戴左手. 近來去游泳, 那些locker膠帶, 我竟然自自然地戴在右手上, 怎麼會這樣的呢?
2. 左右腦/左右手. 很奇怪地, 有些東西總愛用左手來幹, 如聽電話, 開樽蓋等等. 近日發現一件更奇的事. 我很少戴錶的, 即使以前戴, 都是戴左手. 近來去游泳, 那些locker膠帶, 我竟然自自然地戴在右手上, 怎麼會這樣的呢?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Monday, August 09, 2010
出租天使 My Rainy Days

說我有點先入為主吧, 一進場看見前面一大排都是年輕宅男模樣的觀眾, 很難不影響我對此片的看法...
看畢電影, 又的確給我中學生電影的感覺. 唉... 電視播映還可以看一點...
有人認為男主角谷原章介(飾大學講師光輝)樣貌有幾分似黎明, 唔, 一丁點吧, 還可以. OK, 一個三十出頭(是嗎?)又面對死亡的大學講師, 忽然遇上瘋狂愛上自己的援交少女. 你說, 哪個宅男不渴望?
三十出頭又不宅的我們看這種電影, 吃不消.
不知道原來日本仍然非常流行拿相底去沖曬店曬相片(又或只是電影橋段?). 不過日本人又的確仍然喜歡這些懷舊東西, 如黑膠及菲林. 現在在香港沖曬店沖曬又攪錯相片的可能性比較低吧.
還有還有, 那張海報很誤導, 因為整齣電影都不會見到女主角脫衣服的, 男孩們想看這些, 找另一齣吧.



只想說, Ellen Page就憑一齣"Juno"一泡而紅, 不過這回選角找她, 怎樣也有點說服不了我. 荷李活大片, 都是找個漂亮一點, 高佻一點有點看頭嘛. 不是膚淺的意見, 因為大路電影應該找點大路元素. Joseph Gordon-Levitt也好像因為一齣"500 Days of Summer"而更為人認識. 相比起Ellen Page, 他在Inception的角色還算匹配. 不過荷李活就是這樣, 成功了, 你便有很多不同的機會, 即使那個角色根本不適合你的也可能找你.
此片不會寫篇長的了, 不是我杯茶. 不明白怎麼那麼多人又解讀又看數遍. 沒有不太明白的地方, 亦沒有令人想再細看的理由.
有人說此片是Matrix + Synecdoche, New York, 難怪了, 不是Matrix迷, Synecdoche, New York我是欣賞的, 不過不至於喜歡.

第一次有機會看林懷民的作品, 雲門舞集啊, 那麼享負盛名. Pina Bausch看完要哭, 林懷民也說: "如果哪一天我走了, 《流浪者之歌》是我唯一想要留世的舞作, 因為它很寧靜."(source) 那我怎可錯過呢. 相信不少人都看過了.
唔. 或許因為太禪, 宗教味道比較濃厚. 又或許, 我從來都不太明白modern dance. 只覺得那幕瀑布式灑下來的稻穀有點震撼. 千斤米作佈景的舞台當然也是首次目睹.
不過我不懂哭. 或許根本不明白.
Sunday, August 08, 2010
看雜誌推介Fancl的White Clear Mask對淡斑很有效, 這天剛巧路經Fancl店, 買來一試. $160有三片.
White Clear Mask
Clear Spot J-Mask

另又發現這個重點退斑, 針對cheek bone位, $148有四對. 這晚都會試用. Sales lady更說可以敷過夜的!

容後報告效果如何. 大家又有什麼心水推介?
Saturday, August 07, 2010
不同時期總有些東西去沉迷. 其實沉迷是幸福的.
一個小玩意, blog, 遊戲, 人, 電視劇, 劇中人, 演員, 故事, 歌曲, 舞蹈, 電影, 等等...
近日的中毒狀況已深得瘋了. 都是某電視劇及當中兩個角色. 請繼續讓我沉下去. :)
一個小玩意, blog, 遊戲, 人, 電視劇, 劇中人, 演員, 故事, 歌曲, 舞蹈, 電影, 等等...
近日的中毒狀況已深得瘋了. 都是某電視劇及當中兩個角色. 請繼續讓我沉下去. :)
Friday, August 06, 2010
Thursday, August 05, 2010
1. 送外賣的人 ~ 今天見到辦公室大樓樓下有一年約五十多的男子, 好像是乘車/的士抵達的, 兩手拿著約60-80個飯盒, 天啊, 怎麼要人家這樣幹活呢? 可以拿架小車嗎?
2. 小店 ~ 話說近日光顧了某小店的XX, 網友們都很驚奇我會去, 因為是某某的親友開的, 而大家都知道我極度不喜歡某某的. 哈哈. 大家都說: 難道我不知道那小店就是某某的親友的. 網友們都說: 幾好食我都唔會去呀! 哈, 那我不是很沒骨氣? 其實昨晚又打算再去買的呢! :P
3. 買鞋 ~ 對我來說, 都是心情好才會買鞋的. 最興奮是不經意地找到一雙又抵又漂亮, 試上時又極度舒適的鞋子.
4. Aesop ~ (其實本來這才是#3, 寫時忘得一乾二淨! 兩小時後才記起!) 話說用過Aesop及Ultraceuticals的護膚品, 都曾試過樽身/蓋爛了, 前者兩次, 後者一次. 於是有點覺得澳洲品牌都有這個弊病. 這天去Aesop買東西, 順口和sales lady提到, 她的反應竟然是(一定受過訓練!): 澳洲是個崇尚環保的國家, 我們的品牌用的質料(我說: 易爛嘅膠同樽?!)都是可以循環再用... blah blah blah... 真係叻女! 有條件去選港姐了!
2. 小店 ~ 話說近日光顧了某小店的XX, 網友們都很驚奇我會去, 因為是某某的親友開的, 而大家都知道我極度不喜歡某某的. 哈哈. 大家都說: 難道我不知道那小店就是某某的親友的. 網友們都說: 幾好食我都唔會去呀! 哈, 那我不是很沒骨氣? 其實昨晚又打算再去買的呢! :P
3. 買鞋 ~ 對我來說, 都是心情好才會買鞋的. 最興奮是不經意地找到一雙又抵又漂亮, 試上時又極度舒適的鞋子.
4. Aesop ~ (其實本來這才是#3, 寫時忘得一乾二淨! 兩小時後才記起!) 話說用過Aesop及Ultraceuticals的護膚品, 都曾試過樽身/蓋爛了, 前者兩次, 後者一次. 於是有點覺得澳洲品牌都有這個弊病. 這天去Aesop買東西, 順口和sales lady提到, 她的反應竟然是(一定受過訓練!): 澳洲是個崇尚環保的國家, 我們的品牌用的質料(我說: 易爛嘅膠同樽?!)都是可以循環再用... blah blah blah... 真係叻女! 有條件去選港姐了!
Wednesday, August 04, 2010

又其實的確需要買gel tips/tubes, 因為現用的都爛了, 一直沒有時間去買. Toe pads則仍有兩對.
幸而上班地區不遠處有兩間芭蕾舞用品的店舖, 很方便.
Toe Pads一向用Ouch Pouch, 夠耐用, 不過價錢略高, 這回就買對便宜一點的Capezio羊毛toe pads(Lamb's Wool Toe Pads)算了, 才$68.
Toe Tape其實好像和一般膠布/紙沒太大分別, $58, 很多專業舞者都把多隻腳趾包好才穿pointe shoes, 防止刮損/磨損. 都應該買來一用.
The Big Tip頗為昂貴啊, $98兩隻. 不過這晚用了, 很舒服! 右腳趾沒有用(因為一向都沒有用), 下次不可以了... 很痛.
Jelly Tips$88, 也不便宜. 有時其他腳趾需要用.
其實有些專業舞者是什麼toe pads都不用, 只用絲襪或紙巾包裹腳趾便穿硬鞋的了!
是晚報告: 原來lamb's wool toe pads也頗舒服, 那big tip真的很不錯, 為什麼我現在才買?! Toe Tape也很好用, 下次要包多幾隻腳趾, 以防起"枕".
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
28 Questions Meme
又來Sunday Stealing!
1. Was your dad named after anyone?
for his Chinese name, no.
2. What do you think is the minimal age to get married?
3. What's the longest time that you've been involved with the same person?
13 years and more
4. What actor/actress do you consider hot at the moment?
actor: Luke MacFarlane (Scotty Wandell in "Brothers & Sisters"), ok someone straight: Jonathan Rhys Meyers; actress: Scarlett Johansson
5. What is you favorite album by a band?
No Need to Argue by The Cranberries
6. What is your favorite album by an individual artist?
at the moment: All the Lost Souls by James Blunt
7. What is something that you'd rather be a bit dirty?
can't think of any. hmm, but i don't wash my hair everyday, becos' it's too dry, wash it every other day.
8. What was the last TV show that you watched?
Brothers & Sisters (watching every night now)
9. How many people have you met from the blogosphere? Who are they?
hmm, around 10 maybe
10. What's your philosophy on life?
don't think I can write that in one sentence. maybe: be happy.
11. Do you think prescription drugs are over prescribed?
not in HK I think, no?
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
13. What is your favorite memory in the last year?
14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
dessert and shopping!
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
I love to crack my knuckles all the time, since maybe age 8! And not just hands, I can crack many other joints: knees, ankles, neck, shoulders, you name it... :P
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they?
one of them is $$$ :P
17. Who would you want to get together with and make a cake?
Scotty Wandell (Luke MacFarlane)!!! <3
18. Which country is your spiritual home?
region: Hong Kong
19. What is your big weakness?
hmm... lateness
20. Do you think Judd Corizan is a good person?
that's the writer of these questions right?
21. What was your best/favorite subject at school?
high school: English (not that my English was very good, just because I hate most subjects!) college: Psychology and film production
22. Describe your accent:
a mixture of American + British + HK 卦... :P
23. If you could change anything about yourself, would you?
24. What do you wear to sleep?
tank top and (underpants)!
25. What is your favorite casual outfit to wear?
26. Do you use cigarettes or alcohol?
alcohol, sometimes
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!)
you mean with Judd Corizan? I don't know him...
28. Rate the memes that you play generally. Use any scale or just in order.
7.5 out of 10
1. Was your dad named after anyone?
for his Chinese name, no.
2. What do you think is the minimal age to get married?
3. What's the longest time that you've been involved with the same person?
13 years and more
4. What actor/actress do you consider hot at the moment?
actor: Luke MacFarlane (Scotty Wandell in "Brothers & Sisters"), ok someone straight: Jonathan Rhys Meyers; actress: Scarlett Johansson
5. What is you favorite album by a band?
No Need to Argue by The Cranberries
6. What is your favorite album by an individual artist?
at the moment: All the Lost Souls by James Blunt
7. What is something that you'd rather be a bit dirty?
can't think of any. hmm, but i don't wash my hair everyday, becos' it's too dry, wash it every other day.
8. What was the last TV show that you watched?
Brothers & Sisters (watching every night now)
9. How many people have you met from the blogosphere? Who are they?
hmm, around 10 maybe
10. What's your philosophy on life?
don't think I can write that in one sentence. maybe: be happy.
11. Do you think prescription drugs are over prescribed?
not in HK I think, no?
12. Would you keep a secret from me if you thought it was in my best interest?
13. What is your favorite memory in the last year?
14. What is your favorite guilty pleasure?
dessert and shopping!
15. Tell me one odd/interesting fact about you:
I love to crack my knuckles all the time, since maybe age 8! And not just hands, I can crack many other joints: knees, ankles, neck, shoulders, you name it... :P
16. You can have three wishes (for yourself, so forget all the 'world peace etc' malarky) - what are they?
one of them is $$$ :P
17. Who would you want to get together with and make a cake?
Scotty Wandell (Luke MacFarlane)!!! <3
18. Which country is your spiritual home?
region: Hong Kong
19. What is your big weakness?
hmm... lateness
20. Do you think Judd Corizan is a good person?
that's the writer of these questions right?
21. What was your best/favorite subject at school?
high school: English (not that my English was very good, just because I hate most subjects!) college: Psychology and film production
22. Describe your accent:
a mixture of American + British + HK 卦... :P
23. If you could change anything about yourself, would you?
24. What do you wear to sleep?
tank top and (underpants)!
25. What is your favorite casual outfit to wear?
26. Do you use cigarettes or alcohol?
alcohol, sometimes
27. If I only had one day to live, what would we do together? (If you have no idea, just say something crazy, it'll entertain me!)
you mean with Judd Corizan? I don't know him...
28. Rate the memes that you play generally. Use any scale or just in order.
7.5 out of 10
Monday, August 02, 2010

夏日炎炎除了留在家或去游泳之外, 看電影始終是最佳節目之一了.
夏天最令你想起什麼電影呢? 一時間便想到這幾齣以"夏日"為名的電影:
1. 最近看的舊片, Eric Rohmer的Summer 夏日
2. Summer in Berlin 陽台前的夏天
3. My Summer of Love 夏日午後的初纏愛戀 ~ 有Emily Blunt呢!
4. 很多人都喜歡的500 Days of Summer / 心跳500天
八月中至九月還有一年一度的Summer IFF, 已買了十四場! :)
希望有時間看Inception及Toy Story 3啦! 昨日無拿拿看了一齣只適合宅男及中學生的"出租天使"... :(
Sunday, August 01, 2010
Cafe Hyatt
很久沒有有關吃的blog文了, 都懶拍照. 好友忙得不可開交, 也忘了我的六月生日, 當然沒打緊了, 都只是找個藉口見見面談談天, 又順便試試新東西.
這回好友竟提議去沙田, 對大家來說都不近的Hyatt. 我又竟然應承. :)
其實前陣子都去過吃晚餐, 不過不是buffet, 服務完全不行, 因為侍應大都是intern, 正在接受訓練. 又不及buffet那邊人多, 而且根本不需要太多仔細的侍應服務吧.
Tea buffet時間是3:15-5pm, 不過我差不多3:40pm才抵達, 又二人只顧談天, 沒多時間跑去取吃的, 後來吃得很趕.
食物還可以, 很多都是賣相比味道出色, 不過感覺比一般的tea buffet不太一樣.
壽司不多, 亦沒有刺身.
小點如smoked salmon on toast之類的都不錯. Scones有raisins及chocolate味道, 也有rose jam及clotted cream選擇.
也有類似brunch的蛋類及mini quiche. BBQ即叫即燒, 有豬頸肉及串燒. 也有點心及紅油抄手.
有冷麵. Cupcakes不好意思 , 只好看完全不好吃(記得中環Mo Bar的很不錯).
即做的Crepes很滿意. 服務員也服務周到, 態度很好. 這邊的服務比餐廳(a la carte)那邊好得多了. 噢, 最後我是否忘了吃那個葡撻呢?!
雪糕選擇不少, 最高興是有這個即整的黑森林雪糕(有酒的!), 很好吃!
Buffet包一杯飲料(咖啡/茶)之外, 還有多款milk shakes/smoothies供人客自取, 值得一讚.
恆生白金卡有九折, 二人結賬$396.
這回好友竟提議去沙田, 對大家來說都不近的Hyatt. 我又竟然應承. :)
其實前陣子都去過吃晚餐, 不過不是buffet, 服務完全不行, 因為侍應大都是intern, 正在接受訓練. 又不及buffet那邊人多, 而且根本不需要太多仔細的侍應服務吧.
Tea buffet時間是3:15-5pm, 不過我差不多3:40pm才抵達, 又二人只顧談天, 沒多時間跑去取吃的, 後來吃得很趕.
食物還可以, 很多都是賣相比味道出色, 不過感覺比一般的tea buffet不太一樣.
壽司不多, 亦沒有刺身.

也有類似brunch的蛋類及mini quiche. BBQ即叫即燒, 有豬頸肉及串燒. 也有點心及紅油抄手.





恆生白金卡有九折, 二人結賬$396.
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