印象中沒看過她的演出, 在電影中看到的是一個身材很高挑的ballerina, 還有修長美腿和很高的arch. 很少見過這麼高的芭蕾舞蹈員, 原來她有六尺!
頗喜歡此片, 剪接得不錯, 對我來說沒有悶場, 雖然完場後聽到有人說很悶.
電影中看到的還有個性突出, 柔中帶剛的Sylvie Guillem. 超過二十年的舞台經驗, 每一次演出前仍然是那麼認真, 緊張. 她是會緊張得顫抖的那種. 記得她說, 演出Swan Lake, 年輕時很享受, 但演出得越久, 經驗越多, 觀眾對她更有期望, 那種享受已經不一樣了.
四十出頭仍在舞台上散發她獨有的魅力, 非常佩服.
Sylvie Guillem & Nicolas Le Riche- Le lac des cygnes
Sacred Monsters - Akram Khan and Sylvie Guillem
看這些相片, 可見Sylvie Guillem形象多變, 每每給人驚喜:
Adelaide Festival
The Arts Desk
我不太懂欣賞芭蕾(雖然很有興趣學習學習), 不過她的專注和不斷挑戰自己的精神仍是很有魅力啊~
gar: 對, 很有魅力!
Totally adore her! I was fortunate enough to have watched Sylvie Guillem in Sacred Monsters and in Romeo & Juliet back when she was still with the Royal Ballet. Call me traditional, but I very much prefer her in classical ballet, she danced with such strong emotions that as an audience you can't help but fall in love with her.
Carrie: wow u so lucky! yes I prefer her in classical ballet too.
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