photo from here
from J. Crew
有留意新聞, 都應該知道Obama兩個女兒在其父親就職典禮當天穿的都是出於J. Crew的Crewcuts. 的確, 小孩子又何需一身名牌呢? J. Crew價格相宜, 比Esprit價錢略高一點, 又比Banana Republic便宜. Obama和Michelle也會穿J. Crew出席公開場合, 有說在這個經濟情況下, 穿得不太奢華是個非常好的選擇.
大學時期也喜歡J. Crew, 尤其與友人們去outlet一定會去J. Crew搜購, 價錢相宜質料又不錯. 之後有機會回美國一遊都必會去J. Crew, 喜歡他的襪子夠耐穿, 顏色又吸引. 還有睡衣和底底! :)
07年到日本福岡遊玩時, 那裡的J. Crew可不簡單. 大家都知道, 舉凡在日本有分店的美國品牌, 都會有他們獨家的貨品. 那次其實有許多東西想買, 但又不想花太多金錢, 很艱難才忍手. 有很漂亮的boots啦, 毛衣, jackets, 都從未在美國或網上見過的! 唉... 諗番起都想買.
photo from here大學時期也喜歡J. Crew, 尤其與友人們去outlet一定會去J. Crew搜購, 價錢相宜質料又不錯. 之後有機會回美國一遊都必會去J. Crew, 喜歡他的襪子夠耐穿, 顏色又吸引. 還有睡衣和底底! :)
07年到日本福岡遊玩時, 那裡的J. Crew可不簡單. 大家都知道, 舉凡在日本有分店的美國品牌, 都會有他們獨家的貨品. 那次其實有許多東西想買, 但又不想花太多金錢, 很艱難才忍手. 有很漂亮的boots啦, 毛衣, jackets, 都從未在美國或網上見過的! 唉... 諗番起都想買.
from J. Crew
說起冬天的大褸, 你家裡有哪些顏色的大褸? 看了這篇: What Color Is Your Winter Coat? 都說紐約人都愛穿黑色大褸. 冬天一街都是黑沉沉的, 或許大家都覺得黑色的大褸易配搭, 又襟穿? 不過有時也真的很悶. 紅當當的又怕太搶... 除了農曆新年較多人會穿紅衣外, 平日上班的日子, 都是黑沉沉的佔大多數.
我嘛... 衣櫃裡的大褸都是較深色的. 也有一些較多色彩的, 不過較適合遠足而不是上班.
J Crew clothing store benefits from Obama inauguration
Michelle, Malia and Sasha Obama Ignite a Fashion Frenzy
喂阿 Mad Dog, 為免你新春傷腦交行貨,新蒸頭不如 post 下D自家賀年美食呀!
sherry: 顏色好sharp, 不過我又唔太敢著嗰兩隻色. 小朋友啱啲 :)
eeeason: 又唔係我下廚, 我會交行貨咁衰咩? 睇吓點...
In terms of branding, I think J Crew is much better than Banana Republic. I wonder who is shopping at Gap and Banana Republic now. Both Gap and Banana Republic (and Old Navy) belong to the same organization, and some how they just couldn't turn things around, the brands have become so stale. J Crew is affordable if you are sort of middle class, it hasn't been doing well lately (who is in this environment?). And I think Michelle Obama is smart enough, under this god awful economy, to wear mainstream American merchandise (though mostly made in China) instead of opting for some crazy expensive brands or coutures like some Euro trash wanna be. BTW, her white gown at night was designed by a Jason Wu, a 26 year old Taiwanese American. So far the woman is making sense in what she puts on.
IF you went to college here especially New England area, you most certainly like J. Crew and have worn them before because the brand is just so hopelessly preppy and emblematic of everything "sophisticated urban."
LCL: Banana Republic is not as good as before? Well then of course I like A&F a lot too... but then it was when I left college cos there wasn't any A&F in my area. I wish I were in New England... nah, I wasn't.
The whole Gap brands, that's Gap, BR and Old Navy kind of lost its luster. Abercrombie and Fitch is really for over sex kids in their teens or early twenties. The whole brand screams sex, more sex and still more sex. They have bare chested boy toys greeting customers at their store entrance....
LCL: well i know A&F already uses a lot of sexy models, but the clothes r not too sexy. :)
sammi: 咦, 紫色大褸我都有一件, 幾鍾意吓嘅添! 幾年前lane crawford減價時買, 好暖好輕 :)
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