
Tuesday, January 13, 2009


元旦那天跌破了那副在家裡才戴的眼鏡, 於是要破財買過一副新的.

選購時和店員訴苦, 說稅季還要破財, 又剛過了聖誕大採購大出血的日子, 很可憐. 且他們的眼鏡確實昂貴. 取眼鏡那個晚上, 一店的員工都準備收工, 因為我之前說是晚會於關門前趕來拿眼鏡. 其實離他們下班時間還有十分鐘.

那個幫我選購眼鏡框的男店員也算禮貌, 不過多口了一點...


他: 唔好自己"鉸"喎.

我: 我緊係唔會啦, 整爛咗無人可憐... 咁貴... :(

他: 唔好咁啦... 請番你食飯啦... 你宜家去邊呀? 宜家請你食飯喇...

我: (huh?!) 搵日啦!


有人說: 吓?! 我成日去咁多舖頭同人傾偈又唔見有人約我食飯嘅? 有無攪錯!

眼鏡仍未戴得舒服, 那天又要拿去再調校... 那個多口店員竟問: 小姐, 你介唔介意話我知你幾多歲?


期間, 更問過我: 住邊頭? 邊頭返工? 去邊? 晚飯呀, 邊頭呀?



Anonymous said...

Haha, it's more likely that he has a crash on you lar. ;-b

mad dog said...

echo: he is totally insane. so glad that he wasn't there when i went to get my spectacles adjusted today.

laichungleung said...

Is it good or bad?

mad dog said...

LCL: i don't like this kind of sales loh.

Anonymous said...

聽落阿sales哥哥 係好人喎.

mad dog said...

eeeason: 你唔係我點知.

Anonymous said...

Sound like he wants to ask you out!!He wants to be a FRIEND with you.

mad dog said...

gwenandian: right, i felt that, isn't that too obvious? very unprofessional loh.

laichungleung said...

I think he crossed the line. Hitting on you and making you uncomfortable is a no-no. I guess some people enjoy this kind of dalliance, at least he does.

冬冬 said...

妳係咪冇帶結婚戒子呀! 呵呵呵呵~~~~

mad dog said...

LCL: right. maybe they r too boring at work.

冬冬: 第一年就有戴, 好多人都唔戴架啦. 同埋, 其實啲人唔理你結咗婚未架.

Al said...

haha. never had such encounter b4. wonder how will I react to such request. apparently, he is hitting on you :) it's weird cos you prob won't go to that shop again to avoid him...

mad dog said...

Al: but i still have to pick up my spectacles, damn it.

孜媽 said...



mad dog said...

孜媽: 正有此意! :)

Anonymous said...




mad dog said...

uncle ray: 食你個頭! :)

Haricot 微豆 said...

According to the newspaper, a taxi driver was mouthing off like that and since the woman did not seem to object "explicitly", he proceeded to touch her. In court, he was saying the woman was giving him the "c'mon" (by not saying no).

Beware of and be careful with the type !!!

mad dog said...

haricot: that's so horrible!!! and it applies to date rape too!

Anonymous said...

我好少留言, 邊睇邊想像當時情景, 真係笑左好耐...好...好...耐...下次去記得叫我, 我副眼鏡都鬆鬆地!

mad dog said...

yc_tsang: 頂! :) 去咗喇琴日, 帶埋人陪我去喇? 唔通星期三攞時邀請你陪我去???

Anonymous said...
