
Saturday, August 12, 2006


by Elise McDonald

The path I travel is narrow
Though the journey doesn't end
Until one day God calls my name
But I don't know where or when

The path I travel is narrow
Though my focus is on him
I am pulled in every direction
In every way on every whim

The path I travel is narrow
Though I do not travel it alone
This path I travel with friends
On the way to God's great throne

It will not be an easy path
The truth of this I know
Satan will be there all the way
To put on one big show

He'll try to pull me off the path
And show his anger, his own wrath
Though God is there through thick and thin
And in the end it'll be his win

As long as I stay true
Ask for forgiveness for all I do
Then the path will not be so rough
Because its through God that I stay tough.


許多時候, 選擇了的路, 走不完, 因為事與願違, 有時天時地利, 有時自己能力有限, 有時或許選擇錯誤.

一個一個的關口, 走過了, 十字路口也走過了, 回頭一看, 都不是自己原先打算走的, 有時柳暗花明, 又或塞翁失馬, 路好像是封了, 選擇好像是少了, 局限好像是多了. 不過, 不是這些封了的路, 又怎會走到眼前的路? 沒有當初的難關, 又怎會來到如今的景況? 是好是壞, 封了的路可能會帶來更理想的方向.

每次見到神封完一條又一條的路, 怎會不氣餒? 但日子過後再回望, 封了的路卻帶來了無法想像的祝福.


神會開路, 我們都這樣相信, 的而且確, 是實在的, 當你經歷過, 當你見證過.

就是那種柳暗花明, 那種塞翁失馬. 明明沒有可能, 路明明是窄的, 路明明是封了的, 忽然間, 路開了, 明朗了.

哪管現在走的是什麼路, 每一步, 衪都和我們一起.


Andy said...

Walking on the narrow road is not easy indeed. Plus your timing is different from His timing tim!

Anonymous said...

oh yes... always In His Time...

Kajie said...

I really love this piece, the pics you chose, the sharing you put down. That seems like a peaceful and clam side of you. Yep, God gives us peace, clam, hope and security that the world can't give.

Write more :) feel peaceful when reading this article.

Anonymous said...

thanks a lot Kajie. :) i like this one too. wanted to write about the narrow path one first... then last friday, the theme just popped up again...