因經常只睡四小時便起床,身體自自然有點小抗議,不過原來我們不是一定要像常人一樣每天睡六七小時然後活躍十多小時的(monophasic sleep cycle)。
看了這個Alternative Sleep Cycles: You Don't Really Need 6-8 Hours!最有趣的發現是這個Dymaxion Cycle,即一天裏每六小時睡30分鐘,一共只睡兩個小時左右,但有人試過幾年都用這個cycle作息,身體依然健康又精神。相信這個睡眠周期最適合大學生及極度忙碌的人。
Uberman Cycle我覺得最適合哺乳媽媽,一天裏每四小時小睡20-30分鐘,一天小睡六次。
Biphasic/Siesta Cycle,說是美國最多大學生採用的睡眠周期,其實我返早更時都應該要這樣,只是不會天天都睡午覺吧了。其實如果可以睡個午覺是非常舒服及精神爽利的。
image: jupiterimages.com
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Unforgettable Woody Allen Movie Quotes
昨日提過Woody Allen十四齣post 2000的電影,這天找來他十齣/十句最令人難忘的movie quotes,我最喜歡:
Sun is bad for you. Everything our parents said was good is bad. Sun, milk, red meat… college. ~ Annie Hall (1977)
Nothing’s wrong with science. Ya know, between, between air conditioning and the Pope, I’ll take air conditioning. ~ Deconstructing Harry (1997)
You can’t control life. It doesn’t wind up perfectly. Only-only art you can control. Art and masturbation. Two areas in which I am an absolute expert. ~ Stardust Memories (1980)
1. The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.
2. R: I dreamt about you last night.
M: Don't use that line, because Boris said he dreamt about me last night, and I really doubt that it's mathematically possible for me to be in two dreams at one time.
3. Father: Like the poet said: "The only ship certain to come in has black sails."
4. Well, for anybody with any imagination. You know, life is manageable enough if you keep your hopes modest. The minute you allow yourself sweet dreams you run the risk of them crashing down.
Sun is bad for you. Everything our parents said was good is bad. Sun, milk, red meat… college. ~ Annie Hall (1977)
Nothing’s wrong with science. Ya know, between, between air conditioning and the Pope, I’ll take air conditioning. ~ Deconstructing Harry (1997)
You can’t control life. It doesn’t wind up perfectly. Only-only art you can control. Art and masturbation. Two areas in which I am an absolute expert. ~ Stardust Memories (1980)
image: The New Yorker
1. The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net, and for a split second, it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck, it goes forward, and you win. Or maybe it doesn't, and you lose.
2. R: I dreamt about you last night.
M: Don't use that line, because Boris said he dreamt about me last night, and I really doubt that it's mathematically possible for me to be in two dreams at one time.
3. Father: Like the poet said: "The only ship certain to come in has black sails."
4. Well, for anybody with any imagination. You know, life is manageable enough if you keep your hopes modest. The minute you allow yourself sweet dreams you run the risk of them crashing down.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Woody Allen 十四齣
Woody Allen十四齣二千年後的作品,你又最喜歡哪齣?
應該就只是未看"Small Time Crooks"及最新的"Blue Jasmine"。
印象最深的應該是"Match Point", "Vicky Cristina Barcelona"和"Whatever Works"。
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Random Five
1. 我都知成日random five好"行"咁,不過呢種記事方法真係幾方便同好玩。
2. 在iTunes買了Sara Bareilles兩隻碟: The Blessed Unrest和Once Upon Another Time EP。自從我laptop個itunes被加州友人弄垮了之後,我已很久沒用電話聽歌了,可憐。死仔,好想殺咗你!
3. 終於試了Ms B's Cakery的餅了,都是Sevva老闆Bonnie Gokson旗下的,不過和Sevva的西餅有點距離。這個價錢我還是寧願揀Mandarin和Sevva,又或價錢低一點的Zoe。
4. 夏日推介:Godiva Soft Serve雪糕 ^_^ ($39) ~ available at IFC and Harbour City only
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Man of Steel
懶人終於寫點電影了 ^_^
中文譯名「超人:鋼鐵英雄」。這種電影通常都是陪人去看的,這回竟然獨自跑去看2D,可能是首次。都因為聽姊姊說故事是超人的前傳,從他的出生到他到Daily Planet上班,雖然不喜歡外星球/外太空又或第三類接觸等類型的電影,但聽到故事大鋼,便有點興趣一看了。適逢2D(不想又去被呃錢看3D)場次少,且應該快落畫,便趕去一看。
結果沒有太失望,和預期差不多,不過沒想到只有最後一幕才是我最想見到的情景,就是Clark Kent到Daily Planet上班去。看到他架上一副「超人」眼鏡然後對Lois Lane微笑那一幕,實在令人會心微笑。有趣的是Clark Kent告訴母親他找到一份適合自己的工作,就是記者:
Martha Kent: What are you going to do, when you're not saving the world? Have you given any thought to that?
Clark Kent: I have, actually.
[Clark smiles and looks at Martha]
Clark Kent: I gotta find a job where I can keep my ear to the ground.
[we see as Clark cycling through Metropolis]
Clark Kent: Where people won't look twice when I wanna go somewhere dangerous, or start asking questions.
[we see Clark entering a building, he straightens his tie as he walks through the Daily Planet, as he gets into an elevator he takes out his glasses from his jacket pocket]
這回飾演超人的Henry Cavill的確靚仔,還有真的是個肌肉男,有誰敢說他不俊俏?還未看過聞名多時的The Tudors,相信他都是憑此劇為人注意。
打鬥場面不少,The Grand cinema的震位令觀眾更有投入感,雖然3D可能會很生動,不過我還是喜歡不用戴眼鏡欣賞。
據說Amy Adams已經三度audition Lois Lane這個角色,這次終於成功,果然鍥而不捨。不過她就是很美國妹那種演員,金髮(紅髮才是)藍眼沒甚特別。不知道和她競逐的還有哪些美女呢?她演得好嗎?沒有感覺。
Diane Lane(Martha Kent)演得出色,很像一個蒼老的鄉郊賢妻,Clark的父親則是久未露面的Kevin Costner。還有我從不喜歡的Russell Crowe,飾演超人的生父。
Rotten Tomatoes只有56%
75 super images of the Man of Steel (原來超人75周年了)
男主角Henry Cavill太完美了
Sunday, July 21, 2013
Random Ten
Just something from my tweets :)
2. I wanna try mac n cheese buffet lunch at @Lily_BloomHK in LKF!
3. 7 yoga poses to detoxify the body
4. Will you try the "Before XXX" marathon?
5. 各Bobbi Brown fans請注意,BB將於八月加價,買開嘢嘅入貨請早。
6. Man of Steel is not bad but to me, the best scene is the very last scene when Clark Kent goes to work at Daily Planet LOL
7. Superman turns 75: 75 images of the Man of Steel
8. Henry Cavill too perfect :)
9. Summer IFF programme is out already, ticketing starts Monday
10. 十大早死行業,好彩我唔算有份
Friday, July 19, 2013
Ryan Gosling 十二齣
靚仔自選的十二齣,原來我只看了四齣:The Ides of March, Blue Valentine, The Notebook和Crazy Stupid Love(另外應該也看過Remember the Titans)。
best dressed 2011
新片Only God Forgives poster及trailer。
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Random Five - Movies 2013
看Tribecafilm.com有五個本年度暫時的best 5:
5 best movies already on DVD:
Spring Breakers
A Place at the Table
Side Effects
只看了Stoker及Side Effects。Stoker印象記得很麻麻,Side Effects和母親去看的,我倆都喜歡。
5 most award-worthy performances:
Greta Gerwig, Frances Ha
Brie Larson, Short Term 12
Amy Acker, Much Ado About Nothing
Jack Reynor, What Richard Did
Emory Cohen, The Place Beyond the Pines
我只看過Frances Ha,亦很喜歡(HKIFF時有寫過的),Greta Gerwig真的演得不錯。
5 best film romances:
Jesse and Celine, Before Midnight
Sutter and Aimee, The Spectacular Now
Kuba and Michal, Floating Skyscrapers
Ethan and Lena, Beautiful Creatures
Grace and Mason, Short Term 12
只知道有Before Midnight,一定會去看的。
5 creepiest movie characters:
The Father in V/H/S/2
Charles Stoker in Stoker
The Polite Stranger in The Purge
Emily Taylor in Side Effects
Simon in Simon Killer
Emily Taylor和Charles Stoker都很出色。
5 most essential documentaries:
Stories We Tell
20 Feet From Stardom
Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me
Call Me Kuchu
這些相信都要等電影節或去Kubrick/上網購買才有機會看了。一向都捧Sarah Polley的場,無論是她演的或導演的電影也會看看,Stories To Tell應該都不會例外。
對啊,那個對的人一生只出現三兩次... 甚至更少。台灣把Before Midnight譯作《愛在午夜希臘時》。
5 best movies already on DVD:
Spring Breakers
A Place at the Table
Side Effects
只看了Stoker及Side Effects。Stoker印象記得很麻麻,Side Effects和母親去看的,我倆都喜歡。
5 most award-worthy performances:
Greta Gerwig, Frances Ha
Brie Larson, Short Term 12
Amy Acker, Much Ado About Nothing
Jack Reynor, What Richard Did
Emory Cohen, The Place Beyond the Pines
我只看過Frances Ha,亦很喜歡(HKIFF時有寫過的),Greta Gerwig真的演得不錯。
5 best film romances:
Jesse and Celine, Before Midnight
Sutter and Aimee, The Spectacular Now
Kuba and Michal, Floating Skyscrapers
Ethan and Lena, Beautiful Creatures
Grace and Mason, Short Term 12
只知道有Before Midnight,一定會去看的。
5 creepiest movie characters:
The Father in V/H/S/2
Charles Stoker in Stoker
The Polite Stranger in The Purge
Emily Taylor in Side Effects
Simon in Simon Killer
Emily Taylor和Charles Stoker都很出色。
5 most essential documentaries:
Stories We Tell
20 Feet From Stardom
Elaine Stritch: Shoot Me
Call Me Kuchu
這些相信都要等電影節或去Kubrick/上網購買才有機會看了。一向都捧Sarah Polley的場,無論是她演的或導演的電影也會看看,Stories To Tell應該都不會例外。
「 I guess when you're young, you just believe there'll be many
people with whom you'll connect with. Later in life, you realize it only
happens a few times.」-Before Sunset
對啊,那個對的人一生只出現三兩次... 甚至更少。台灣把Before Midnight譯作《愛在午夜希臘時》。
Monday, July 15, 2013
Friday, July 12, 2013
Random Five on Friday
1. 明天竟然和兩個家姐去看3D動畫。我們都忘記上一次三個一起去看電影是什麼年代的事情!甚至可能未試過(有都是一家人一起去看吧)
2. 來了這裏工作學會"最叻"的是怎樣可以天天當沒事一樣和自己極討厭的一個同事去吃飯。唉,人生苦短,好像姊姊友人說過,吃一餐少一餐,我竟然一星期有三四餐要和一個如此討厭的人(兼偽基督徒)吃飯!
3. 喝了幾晚酒又多熱氣東西,這天終於要喝喝清熱酷解解。
4. 從不打算找personal trainer,曾聽到朋友說某些gym很積極"邀請"會員聘用PT,從yoga那邊轉了過來gym五個月,那晚首次有個PT走過來搭訕,又呢又路,又批評我"concept錯X哂"(個X我自己加的),最荒謬是,用上"touch"這招,雖然其實很普通,又叫我按他的肌肉去"明白"應該是怎樣的,當然他也有按我的肌肉了。不過,不好意思,不要以為去gym的女人都很喜歡這招吧。
5. 這個星期很忘,周一晚忽然有票去了捧大甥女音樂劇的場,周二壽宴,周三四晚gym/yoga。可惜近來太多dining out,減了的六磅又彈回幾磅了。星期日會上音樂劇舞堂,努力!
1. 明天竟然和兩個家姐去看3D動畫。我們都忘記上一次三個一起去看電影是什麼年代的事情!甚至可能未試過(有都是一家人一起去看吧)
2. 來了這裏工作學會"最叻"的是怎樣可以天天當沒事一樣和自己極討厭的一個同事去吃飯。唉,人生苦短,好像姊姊友人說過,吃一餐少一餐,我竟然一星期有三四餐要和一個如此討厭的人(兼偽基督徒)吃飯!
3. 喝了幾晚酒又多熱氣東西,這天終於要喝喝清熱酷解解。
4. 從不打算找personal trainer,曾聽到朋友說某些gym很積極"邀請"會員聘用PT,從yoga那邊轉了過來gym五個月,那晚首次有個PT走過來搭訕,又呢又路,又批評我"concept錯X哂"(個X我自己加的),最荒謬是,用上"touch"這招,雖然其實很普通,又叫我按他的肌肉去"明白"應該是怎樣的,當然他也有按我的肌肉了。不過,不好意思,不要以為去gym的女人都很喜歡這招吧。
5. 這個星期很忘,周一晚忽然有票去了捧大甥女音樂劇的場,周二壽宴,周三四晚gym/yoga。可惜近來太多dining out,減了的六磅又彈回幾磅了。星期日會上音樂劇舞堂,努力!
Tuesday, July 09, 2013
Yoga for Sleep
自從轉了去gym而離開了yoga center之後,現在一個月約上一兩堂yoga,當stretch一下也是不錯的。
以下是一些幫助睡眠的yoga poses,不過我始終極度反對plow,除非你的頸膊從來無問題肌肉又不緊吧。
10 poses to induce restfulness and combat insomnia (10 of the best yoga poses for sleep)
我喜歡Child's Pose, Legs Up the Wall Pose及Supine Spinal Twist。
image: jupiterimages.com
以下是一些幫助睡眠的yoga poses,不過我始終極度反對plow,除非你的頸膊從來無問題肌肉又不緊吧。
10 poses to induce restfulness and combat insomnia (10 of the best yoga poses for sleep)
我喜歡Child's Pose, Legs Up the Wall Pose及Supine Spinal Twist。
image: jupiterimages.com
TLC Extreme Cheapskates
看TLC promo見一節目名為"Extreme Cheapskates",是晚(July 9)會播的一集是在NYC工作(有CPA)用了九個月供完一個在Harlem區價值約廿萬美元的apartment的女子,名字Kate Hashimoto。
Friday, July 05, 2013
Sunday Stealing on a Friday Morning
Summer Meme
1. What first tells you that Summer is here?
The fu*king heat
2. Name five of your favorite distinctively Summer habits or customs.
I hate summer... well, icecream and sun/beach, nothing much!
3. What is your favorite smell of Summer?
it only reminds me of body odor from people on public transport
4. What is your favorite taste of Summer?
can't think of any at this moment
5. Favorite Summer memory?
summer during college. no school just hang out with friends
6. Extreme heat or extreme cold? Which would you choose and why?
extreme cold. I don't want to die from heat stroke
7. What books do you plan to read for the season?
many books to finish...
8. What is your favorite part of summer?
nothing. the electricity bill kills me too
9. What's your favorite quintessentially summer food? Least favorite?
10. Best beverage to beat the summer heat:
cold drinks, ice wine
11. Least favorite/most annoying thing related to summer?
need an essay for that...
12. Pick one: the lake /the beach.
we grew up with beaches, so the beach. although i miss the lake at my alma mater
13. Most amusing summer vacation trip you've ever taken?
the one in year 1995. hopping from one city to the next to meet with my friends from June to Aug. spent 2 months residing in friends' places (sleeping bag was my best friend too)
14. Most ridiculous/cringe-inducing/blush-provoking summer outfit you have seen? (Bonus points if you yourself were wearing it!)
15. Your absolute dream summer afternoon would be
beach/pool with banana split, with music and books / ipad
16. If you could go anywhere on summer vacation where would you go?
to the southern hemisphere to enjoy WINTER!
1. What first tells you that Summer is here?
The fu*king heat
2. Name five of your favorite distinctively Summer habits or customs.
I hate summer... well, icecream and sun/beach, nothing much!
3. What is your favorite smell of Summer?
it only reminds me of body odor from people on public transport
4. What is your favorite taste of Summer?
can't think of any at this moment
5. Favorite Summer memory?
summer during college. no school just hang out with friends
6. Extreme heat or extreme cold? Which would you choose and why?
extreme cold. I don't want to die from heat stroke
7. What books do you plan to read for the season?
many books to finish...
8. What is your favorite part of summer?
nothing. the electricity bill kills me too
9. What's your favorite quintessentially summer food? Least favorite?
10. Best beverage to beat the summer heat:
cold drinks, ice wine
11. Least favorite/most annoying thing related to summer?
need an essay for that...
12. Pick one: the lake /the beach.
we grew up with beaches, so the beach. although i miss the lake at my alma mater
13. Most amusing summer vacation trip you've ever taken?
the one in year 1995. hopping from one city to the next to meet with my friends from June to Aug. spent 2 months residing in friends' places (sleeping bag was my best friend too)
14. Most ridiculous/cringe-inducing/blush-provoking summer outfit you have seen? (Bonus points if you yourself were wearing it!)
15. Your absolute dream summer afternoon would be
beach/pool with banana split, with music and books / ipad
16. If you could go anywhere on summer vacation where would you go?
to the southern hemisphere to enjoy WINTER!
Thursday, July 04, 2013
Difficult Goals
Not saying I'll give all my effort to accomplish them:
1. Read a book a month
2. Eat 2 fruits a day (this shouldn't be on the list!) ~ I will definitely try!
3. Lose 12-15 lbs before Christmas
4. At least 6 hours sleep every night
5. Keep my home(s) tidy
Well there are many other goals to accomplish. I'll post them here if I succeed :)
1. Read a book a month
2. Eat 2 fruits a day (this shouldn't be on the list!) ~ I will definitely try!
3. Lose 12-15 lbs before Christmas
4. At least 6 hours sleep every night
5. Keep my home(s) tidy
Well there are many other goals to accomplish. I'll post them here if I succeed :)
Monday, July 01, 2013
Random Five
1. 有網友說我近來少寫電影,因為沒有每個星期都看電影啊。昨晚看了3D World War Z,明顯都是陪人看。是有點緊張刺激的,不過略嫌有點虎頭蛇尾。始終不喜歡3D,都是因為2D場次不多又時間不夾。
2. 還以為長周末會延至星期二,看來這個颱風明天稍後便遠離香港了。
3. 另一齣早前看了又沒有寫的電影是"Quartet"。比想像中較平凡及沒甚特別,幸而母親看得頗投入。Maggie Smith當然好戲,其他大部分演員還真的是退休音樂家,很有意思。不過題材和劇本都不錯,應該可以更出色。
4. 明天(7.1)你上街嗎?
5. 近日新聞及星期日檔案都有提到「無言老師」(大體老師),你接受及會考慮嗎?
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