十一個在美國midwest一起長大的女人, 如今四十出頭, 各人身在美國不同地方, 有為人母的, 有大學教授, 有會計專業人士辭去工作現於Starbucks工作的, 有名人化妝師, 有單身的, 有離了婚的, 還有一個已逝世.
女人的友情總是細水長流的. 可以有小圈子的集體回憶真的很難得.
訂了兩本書今天剛抵達, 剛才午飯時看了數頁. 在此分享一些(作者是Jeffrey Zaslow, Wall Street Journal的columnist):
"Researchers who study friendship say that if women are still friends at age forty, there's a strong likelihood they'll be lifelong friends. 'Female friends show us a mirror of ourselves.'" ~ 四十歲... 說真的, 友人上月逝世還未到四十.
"I have seen my girls (daughters) pout and fret and cry over friendships in turmoil, and I have seen how their friends have buoyed them at their lowest moments. At times, their sweetest friends have turned into stereotypical mean girls. At other times, former mean girls turn into friends."
official website
1 comment:
"The Girls from Ames: A Story of Women & a Forty-Year Friendship" sound interesting, let me see whether my local english bookshop has it!
Thanks for sharing!
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