有點像Marley & Me的橋段. 那次走失了, 都不過是個多月前的事, 好像年初二那隻黑妹一樣, 患了病, 身上有腫瘤, 動物真的知道自己的時間不多了.
友人說, 現在只剩下Pet Society上的pet了. So sad...
問他: break up with a gf tougher... or losing XXX tougher?
他說: same
不過他說being dumped by a gf is tougher. 那也不至於太壞.
友人說最慘是, 不知道牠病了多久, 只有牠自己才知道. 由最高峰的70磅到臨走前的55磅. 去年更多次失禁.
不過他也說: I consider XXX lived long enough and happy enough most of the time.
if you were to ask me the same question, losing the pet is way tougher than losing the girl friend. :(
cr: 係啦, 安慰咗佢成日.
mugen c: really? he said it's tougher to be dumped by a girl. guess he will be fine soon, at least he didn't make a long distance call to me. :)
uncle ray: 都聽過唔少朋友類似經歷, 好慘.
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