2. 前陣子在iTune store又下載了一堆免費apps. 其中一個頗有用, 給女士的: menstrual calendar. :) 還會替你計算下一個周期, 有password上鎖. 大家有什麼好用的iPhone/iPod touch apps好介紹?
3. 發現這個漂亮的相片集, 舞者相片都很不錯.
5. 要找不同品牌的鞋子? 這裡頗多.
6. 有沒有留意一向放在sidebar的shared items? 每天都有更新. 有時只顧我的tumblr及shared items, 反而少了寫blog... :P 真懶!
7. 看了Valkyrie, 值得一看. 會寫. 121分鐘, 緊湊, 緊張. 老湯仲掂.
8. 每次發現又多一位facebook友人加入Pet Society都興奮不已! :) 繼情人節周瘋狂採購買了一屋一地的花(還有衣服飾物)之後, 這個星期又多了許多新產品. 買了廁所, 飯桌, ninja拖鞋. 準備買laptop, espresso機...
9. 投票呀... 揀十個靚女. "Glamour Magazine 50 Most Glamourous Women". 我揀了(alphabetical order): Angelina Jolie, Cate Blanchett, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Gisele Bündchen, Gwyneth Paltrow, Kate Hudson, Natalie Portman, Penélope Cruz, Rachel Weisz, Scarlett Johansson
ER, 係未monday mid-night做?
ipod touch app. 有個係專門去搵野食, 好似openrice咁, 你有無download到?
我自己用落覺得幾好用, 又方便~ ^^
- 最近好多電視睇,不過個schedule好亂囉.明珠台都有宣傳,但好sporadic架.要經常check住!(我連atv world都開始留意了...)
- 原來靚佬湯做得ok?之前都有人話一般囉.哎呀,最近都抽唔到時間去睇戲.好唔開心 :(
- 我投o左: Cate Blanchett, Agyness Deyn, DvF, Anne Hathaway, Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow, Natalie Portman, Queen Rania of Jordan, Tilda Swinton and Rachel Weisz. 不過個名單無jennifer connelly... :(
我不是公主: 係呀, monday mid-nite. 黐線架, 仲有好多fans架嘛! 搵嘢食果個apps我都有, 不過我唔多用wifi, 所以用唔著. 仲有呢? :)
lu: atv world都睇埋, 好唔得閒, 不過都知成日都有好嘢. 有咩戲呀果邊?? 靚佬湯都仲得架, 化妝化到幾後生. Agyness Deyn係邊位... 睇睇先... 哦, 你鍾意佢架? 有少少tb look. ;) queen of jordan你又投? ha!
aulina: 好彩同事bt pearl版我睇 ;)
我選了 Tilda Swinton,Tina Fey,Angelina Jolie Meryl Streep,Heidi Klum, Kate Winslet, Scarlett Johansson, Rachel Weisz 和Nicole Kidman。
CR: that's only 9 cha woh...
solli, 一定係copy paste出錯。少咗一個giesele bunchen。
我又開始玩pet society了,真係幾好玩嘅噃!:D
CR: 今日剛買咗部laptop! 我指我隻pet. :P
wow,好勁!我隻pet買咗ninjia sandals咋。 XD
cr: sandals ($200)我都有對. 著緊添! 下個目標: kimono $900! :)
haha, I got the same application u mentioned on my iphone! I also had "Reading" which updates HK's news daily.
"Bible Verse";
"Holy Sword"(Bible in Chinese);
"One Tap" - shows updated movies in cinemas closed to you and trailers.
"Public Radios" -- US radios stations.
BTW: I am thinking to buy a 'Nespresso' coffee machine. What do u think?
agyness deyn好型, queen of jordan真係都幾glamorous架.
係喎,我唔記得左kate winslet! :(
新的ER有冇George Clooney?
10 Glamourous women 艷光女子:
Amy Adams,Anne Hathaway,Campbell Brown,Cate Blanchett,Catherine Zeta-Jones,Charlize Theron,Gwyneth Paltrow,Meryl Streep,Nicole Kidman,Tilda Swinton.
翻睇時,哎唷! 年紀都是偏向成熟型多啲!
若能多揀,會加埋:Natalie Portman,Scarlett Johansson,Drew Barrymore,拉低返個 age group!
p.s. 可惜個 glamourous women list
冇啲舊明星,audrey hepburn,Ingrid Bergman,Grace Kelly,Marilyn Monroe 個輩。她們的艷光不因已經逝世而減低,祇是年輕一輩不認識她們。
echo: i think i have holy sword too, but need wifi right? some apps need wifi, which i seldom use... :( nespresso coffee machine? u mean the pet society's one? am going to buy one too... maybe after the kimono... :)
lu: kate winslet略嫌少少肥... :)
inner space: 有無發現其實好多女星都無份... lindsay lohan... paris hilton... 如果舊星都included, 個list太長啦.
you are still watching ER! I already gave up once Abby left the show...
I voted for: Cate Blanchett, Amy Adams, Anne Hathaway, Gwyneth Paltrow, Rachel Weisz, Scarlett Johanson, Kate Winslet, Catherine Zeta-Jones and Natalie Portman - only picked 9, as a protest there is no Ellen Pompeo...!
Btw, how possible could the Olsen-twins be on the list?!?!?!!? OMG, it's the end of the world isn't it??!!
janice: Abby is still here!!! the main character woh! did she leave before? maybe for some episodes. George Clooney will be back... in Season 15 or 16! so u better think about catching up all those lost seasons! ha! thought only guys would like Amy Adams... :) Anne Hathaway... dunno y, i don't dislike her, but never really like her. Olsen girls, i know... and there are no paris hilton nor lindsay lohan... hmm...
Haha,Apparantly, you are indeed into 'pet society'. But I am talking about the coffee machine in real world. Nespresso machine which also selling their own tailored made coffee capsules, heard about it?
echo: hahahah!!!! i talked w/ the coffee shop owner once, and he said that a $1000 espresso machine is quite good already. i dun drink espresso.
一集都無.. 好似已經唔同晒咁
依, 我講那個唔洗嫁喎..
一個database咁.. 如果要地圖先要wifi..
I don't drink espresso either. Here you are.
They made really stylish coffee machine for home and nice coffee grounded in capsules.
我不是公主: 不過呢個season真係無咁興奮啦... 唔洗wifi架? 咩名呀? game都玩架... 益智果啲啱我. :) thank you!
echo: thanks anyway! :)
Sorry about all the confusions tho. ;-b My poor expression.
我會揀﹕Rachel Weisz,Scarlett Johansson,Natalie Portman,Angelina Jolie,Catherine Zeta-Jones,Aishwarya Rai,Keira Knightley,Naomi Watts,Erika Marozsán,Anne Hathaway
kari: 都無留意到Erika Marozsán都on the list添.
之前睇過佢套〈Gloomy Sunday〉嘛!!!真係好靚呀!!!而家老咗都冇咩點變到.......反而Rachel Weisz真係越來越靚,同後生好似完全兩個樣,有d思疑佢整過容!!!
kari: gloomy sunday都好耐吓, 都唔記得佢個名啦, 你咁好記性. :)
唔係好記性,屋企有買呢套碟嘛,同埋又係睇咗好多次,所以咪會難忘d lor
kari: 我唔check番都唔記得佢啦 :)
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