
Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Man of Steel

懶人終於寫點電影了  ^_^

中文譯名「超人:鋼鐵英雄」。這種電影通常都是陪人去看的,這回竟然獨自跑去看2D,可能是首次。都因為聽姊姊說故事是超人的前傳,從他的出生到他到Daily Planet上班,雖然不喜歡外星球/外太空又或第三類接觸等類型的電影,但聽到故事大鋼,便有點興趣一看了。適逢2D(不想又去被呃錢看3D)場次少,且應該快落畫,便趕去一看。

結果沒有太失望,和預期差不多,不過沒想到只有最後一幕才是我最想見到的情景,就是Clark Kent到Daily Planet上班去。看到他架上一副「超人」眼鏡然後對Lois Lane微笑那一幕,實在令人會心微笑。有趣的是Clark Kent告訴母親他找到一份適合自己的工作,就是記者:

Martha Kent: What are you going to do, when you're not saving the world? Have you given any thought to that?
Clark Kent: I have, actually.
[Clark smiles and looks at Martha]
Clark Kent: I gotta find a job where I can keep my ear to the ground.
[we see as Clark cycling through Metropolis]
Clark Kent: Where people won't look twice when I wanna go somewhere dangerous, or start asking questions.
[we see Clark entering a building, he straightens his tie as he walks through the Daily Planet, as he gets into an elevator he takes out his glasses from his jacket pocket]

這回飾演超人的的確靚仔,還有真的是個肌肉男,有誰敢說他不俊俏?還未看過聞名多時的The Tudors,相信他都是憑此劇為人注意。
打鬥場面不少,The Grand cinema的震位令觀眾更有投入感,雖然3D可能會很生動,不過我還是喜歡不用戴眼鏡欣賞。

據說已經三度audition Lois Lane這個角色,這次終於成功,果然鍥而不捨。不過她就是很美國妹那種演員,金髮(紅髮才是)藍眼沒甚特別。不知道和她競逐的還有哪些美女呢?她演得好嗎?沒有感覺。

(Martha Kent)演得出色,很像一個蒼老的鄉郊賢妻,Clark的父親則是久未露面的Kevin Costner。還有我從不喜歡的Russell Crowe,飾演超人的生父。



Rotten Tomatoes只有56%

75 super images of the Man of Steel (原來超人75周年了)

男主角Henry Cavill太完美了

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