吃過四五次陳皮鴨腿湯飯, 發覺只可以光顧某老牌茶樓那些才像樣.
試過兩次光顧街坊茶餐廳的陳皮鴨腿湯飯, 那些湯都不夠熱, 鴨腿肉不離骨, 很難嘴饞. 而那家老牌茶樓的陳皮鴨腿湯飯則剛剛好, 鴨腿肉很容易便離骨, 又夠熱. 雖然我不太喜歡陳皮, 也覺得很不錯.
茶餐廳的陳皮鴨腿湯飯, 很難可以吃得自在又不出洋相的.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Monday, August 29, 2011
Sunday Stealing on a Monday Afternoon
no breakfast
2. Do you read a newspaper daily?
3. What do you do when you can't sleep?
just close my eyes and rest
4. Say a word that sums up your mood.
5. Do you remember your dreams?
very often
6. Name something from your dream last night.
no dream last night
7. Name a food that describes you.
8. Today you are wearing:
black/white + Jeans
9. What's in your pockets?
10. Did you sing in the shower today?
11. What's the last song you heard?
Breathe Again (Sara Bareilles)
12. Looking forward to the holidays?
13. Where do you want to be this instant?
14. What's for lunch?
probably noodles + milk tea
15. What's something you would like to do soon?
16. Reading anything now? What is it?
not really
17. What's for dinner?
don't know yet
18. A favorite part of the day is: some free time
19. Are you happy? I am ok
20. Guess how many people will do Sunday Stealing this weekend?
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Random Five
1. Do you believe that Qaddafi really has a crush on Rice? LOL!
2. Feels like living in another world now.
3. Something happy: I had Jollibee yesterday ;)
4. Am I gonna gain or lose weight in this "another world"?
5. Another happy thing: niece called and asked how I am doing :) so sweet.
2. Feels like living in another world now.
3. Something happy: I had Jollibee yesterday ;)
4. Am I gonna gain or lose weight in this "another world"?
5. Another happy thing: niece called and asked how I am doing :) so sweet.
Friday, August 26, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Random Five
1. Good that I can blog on my iPhone or else there won't be any new post for days.
2. But the bad thing is there's no auto save on this stupid app... My unfinished post is gone when I answered a call!
3. How I love HK where you can have a quick yet yummy lunch in 15-20mins (not KFC or McD or dai ma lok... )
4. I hate this fuc*ing hot weather, am all sweat now! Damn.
5. I wish I had Doraemon's 隨意門 then life would be much more beautiful.
2. But the bad thing is there's no auto save on this stupid app... My unfinished post is gone when I answered a call!
3. How I love HK where you can have a quick yet yummy lunch in 15-20mins (not KFC or McD or dai ma lok... )
4. I hate this fuc*ing hot weather, am all sweat now! Damn.
5. I wish I had Doraemon's 隨意門 then life would be much more beautiful.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Sunday Stealing
The Heaven Eleven Meme:
1. If you could live in any other time period, which would you pick?
Hmm, maybe 70s again ;) or the 80s.
2. What is your favorite topic to write on your blog other than a meme?
3. What are some traits that you admire in a lover?
e.g. humor
4. Could you adjust to life in another country?
5. If you could study anything, what would it be?
Clinical Psychology
6. What is your favorite possession that cost less than $15?
($120HKD) hair clip
7. Which color do you wear most often?
Blue / White
8. What has been your "theme song", or favorite song this summer?
these two weeks: So Far Gone (James Blunt)
9. What's the most romantic thing that's ever been said to you?
not gonna tell you
10. What would be your dream birthday cake?
11. What is the coolest thing you've ever done?
love my loved ones
1. If you could live in any other time period, which would you pick?
Hmm, maybe 70s again ;) or the 80s.
2. What is your favorite topic to write on your blog other than a meme?
3. What are some traits that you admire in a lover?
e.g. humor
4. Could you adjust to life in another country?
5. If you could study anything, what would it be?
Clinical Psychology
6. What is your favorite possession that cost less than $15?
($120HKD) hair clip
7. Which color do you wear most often?
Blue / White
8. What has been your "theme song", or favorite song this summer?
these two weeks: So Far Gone (James Blunt)
9. What's the most romantic thing that's ever been said to you?
not gonna tell you
10. What would be your dream birthday cake?
11. What is the coolest thing you've ever done?
love my loved ones
Saturday, August 20, 2011
這回第二次踏足三盞燈, 發現這家發嫂養生磨房, 有即磨芝麻糊, 又有豆漿.
不大好芝麻糊, 不過嚐了一點也覺得不錯, 很滑又不太甜.
Friday, August 19, 2011
Some Blogthings
The Good Life is in Your Big Picture
![]() You like nothing more than kicking back and relaxing. And you think you've earned it! You really value your leisure time, and you are the type of person who pursues many interests. While you don't think money will make you happy, it can keep you busy for a while... and that's appealing. You're not ashamed of wanting the very best in life, and you'll probably get it. |
Your Name is Black
![]() Your name tells people that you are serious and sophisticated. Your name makes you seem like a total mystery. You are elegant and a bit apart from everyone else. You are much more formal than those around you. People see you as smart and together. You also come off as a bit eccentric, and others respect that you are different from them. You can adapt well to most situations, but you never feel like you truly fit in anywhere. |
Your Surfing Habits are 50% Male, 50% Female
![]() There's no way we can tell whether you're a man or woman. Of all the internet users, you are the most broad based in your habits. You use the internet for research and your career. But you also use the internet to keep in close touch with your loved ones. |
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Random Five
1. 是日午餐
2. 這個History in Lego很有趣. 有毛主席, 也有MJ!
3. 相信這裡很快由每日一篇變成每周一篇... =_=
4. 八月十三日是Hitchcock的生日, 你最喜歡他哪齣電影?
5. 喜歡這個blog: Color Me Katie
3. 相信這裡很快由每日一篇變成每周一篇... =_=
4. 八月十三日是Hitchcock的生日, 你最喜歡他哪齣電影?
Photograph by Clarence Sinclair Bull, 1958.
5. 喜歡這個blog: Color Me Katie
Monday, August 15, 2011
Sunday Stealing
Sunday Stealing: The 31 Meme, Part Two: In Memory to Clyde
16. What's the longest shift that you worked at a job?
I've been lucky... well... maybe 10 hours
17. What was the last concert that you attended?
James Blunt!
18. What the last DVD (or Blu Ray, of course) movie that you watched?
I forget which one... the one that I remember is "My Life Without Me"... but then I checked my blog I wrote about it in 2007... wow not that long ago gra... (再check, 其實係"The Savages"至真... )
19. How did you like the film?
not bad but a bit sad
20. What comedian do you love?
can't think of anyone at the moment
21. Do you ever sleep in the nude?
I did
22. Have you ever had a long distance relationship?
23. What do you think of astrology?
quite interesting
24. What's you're favorite lyric quote from a song?
today: so I just say what you won't say (from James Blunt's "So Far Gone")
25. Tell us something random about yourself.
I love garlic
26. Have ever attended a theme party? If yes, do tell.
"Fire and Ice" ice-skating event during my high school year at the ice rink in TKS. we had to wear red and/or white. I did go to buy an outfit for the event. Two local singers were guests that night too! It was fun.
27. What is your favorite thing about winter?
cold! I hate summer
28. What was the name of your first pet?
mou and lei
29. What have you done so far this weekend?
a movie y'day and outing today
30. Has your humor ever been called “sick”?
31. If you could have one thing, what would it be?
$$$ LOL :)
16. What's the longest shift that you worked at a job?
I've been lucky... well... maybe 10 hours
17. What was the last concert that you attended?
James Blunt!
18. What the last DVD (or Blu Ray, of course) movie that you watched?
I forget which one... the one that I remember is "My Life Without Me"... but then I checked my blog I wrote about it in 2007... wow not that long ago gra... (再check, 其實係"The Savages"至真... )
19. How did you like the film?
not bad but a bit sad
20. What comedian do you love?
can't think of anyone at the moment
21. Do you ever sleep in the nude?
I did
22. Have you ever had a long distance relationship?
23. What do you think of astrology?
quite interesting
24. What's you're favorite lyric quote from a song?
today: so I just say what you won't say (from James Blunt's "So Far Gone")
25. Tell us something random about yourself.
I love garlic
26. Have ever attended a theme party? If yes, do tell.
"Fire and Ice" ice-skating event during my high school year at the ice rink in TKS. we had to wear red and/or white. I did go to buy an outfit for the event. Two local singers were guests that night too! It was fun.
27. What is your favorite thing about winter?
cold! I hate summer
28. What was the name of your first pet?
mou and lei
29. What have you done so far this weekend?
a movie y'day and outing today
30. Has your humor ever been called “sick”?
31. If you could have one thing, what would it be?
$$$ LOL :)
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Saturday, August 13, 2011
How Should You Change The World?
You Should Change the World By Promoting Compassion
![]() You feel deeply for people, especially the less fortunate. You wish everyone was more compassionate. You work hard to be the change you want to see in the world. You think it's all starts with you. You value personal growth. If you're not changing, it's likely something is going wrong in your life. You enjoy helping the elderly and animals. You get a lot of satisfaction from volunteering your time. |
Thursday, August 11, 2011
說回Dialogue in the Dark, 真是首次體驗看不見的世界原來如此. 其實母親常常擔心我眼睛會有問題(因為終日對著部腦), 有時也會想, 萬一有一天真的看不見時, 我的世界會變成什麼模樣.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Random Five
鬼片: (七月嘛... )
1. I Know What You Did Last Summer
2. 1408
3. The Others
4. 三更之回家
5. The Exorcist
1. I Know What You Did Last Summer
2. 1408
3. The Others
4. 三更之回家
5. The Exorcist
Monday, August 08, 2011
Sunday Stealing
Sunday Stealing: The Nasty 31 Meme, Part One
1. What has been your longest love relationship?
the current one
2. What was the last gift that you received?
something really nice :)
3. What do you spend your extra cash on?
body massage / shoes / nice meals / bags ...
4. If you could live anywhere would you live?
anywhere near my family
5. Who's your cell provider?
6. What's your favorite mall store?
don't really like mall store
7. What's the longest job that you've had? (No parenting does not count!)
the longest job :)
8. If you won the lottery, who'd you call first?
9. If you won, how would you spend your money after investments?
small business / long vacation / cruises / shopping!!! (and charity too)
10. When was the last time you went to church (or a religious house)?
a couple of weeks ago
11. What's the biggest lie that you've heard?
those from employers and politicians
12. When you go out with your friends, where do you go?
restaurants / movies / coffee shops
13. When was the last time that you cried?
maybe weeks ago? or months ago?
14. What food do you hate?
cooked tomatoes
15. What do you like best about yourself?
好人一個 :)
1. What has been your longest love relationship?
the current one
2. What was the last gift that you received?
something really nice :)
3. What do you spend your extra cash on?
body massage / shoes / nice meals / bags ...
4. If you could live anywhere would you live?
anywhere near my family
5. Who's your cell provider?
6. What's your favorite mall store?
don't really like mall store
7. What's the longest job that you've had? (No parenting does not count!)
the longest job :)
8. If you won the lottery, who'd you call first?
9. If you won, how would you spend your money after investments?
small business / long vacation / cruises / shopping!!! (and charity too)
10. When was the last time you went to church (or a religious house)?
a couple of weeks ago
11. What's the biggest lie that you've heard?
those from employers and politicians
12. When you go out with your friends, where do you go?
restaurants / movies / coffee shops
13. When was the last time that you cried?
maybe weeks ago? or months ago?
14. What food do you hate?
cooked tomatoes
15. What do you like best about yourself?
好人一個 :)
Sunday, August 07, 2011
去年七月八月愛上Priscilla Ahn的"Dream"(another version)(噢原來又是因為看B&S發現的). 現在每次再聽都會想起祖母.
不過其實這首的確是不錯的喪禮歌. 要我揀也會揀這首. (歌詞)
見網友的buzz(及twitter)發現這篇"Little-Known Second Verses of 10 Children's Songs", 蠻有趣啊!
去年七月八月愛上Priscilla Ahn的"Dream"(another version)(噢原來又是因為看B&S發現的). 現在每次再聽都會想起祖母.
不過其實這首的確是不錯的喪禮歌. 要我揀也會揀這首. (歌詞)
見網友的buzz(及twitter)發現這篇"Little-Known Second Verses of 10 Children's Songs", 蠻有趣啊!
Saturday, August 06, 2011
Wednesday, August 03, 2011
Random Five
1. 互相影響
2. 近日晚晚都做夢. 每天起床都check check dreammoods.com的dictionary, 解解夢.
3. 那天見到他不禁一笑. 雖然不算喜歡忍者小靈精這個卡通, 但怎料一唱起那首主題曲, 原來我差不多可以一字不漏唱足三四句!
4. 今天是美國的National Watermelon Day, 我也不是西瓜fan, 不過這張西瓜檔相片也蠻吸引.
2. 近日晚晚都做夢. 每天起床都check check dreammoods.com的dictionary, 解解夢.
3. 那天見到他不禁一笑. 雖然不算喜歡忍者小靈精這個卡通, 但怎料一唱起那首主題曲, 原來我差不多可以一字不漏唱足三四句!

HYDERABAD, India—2008.
© Jim Goldberg / Magnum Photos
5. Summer IFF連看看有什麼選片也未看... 不過網友說今年非常差勁, 且很多都會上正場.
5. Summer IFF連看看有什麼選片也未看... 不過網友說今年非常差勁, 且很多都會上正場.
Tweet a bit...
"Dear Santa" i wish all my dreams come true months before christmas ;)
#dearyoungself life is tough, but u can do it! keep smiling
#thereisalwaysthat1person in your life that you don't want to meet anymore
#arentyoutiredof your computer? :)
#dearyoungself life is tough, but u can do it! keep smiling
#thereisalwaysthat1person in your life that you don't want to meet anymore
#arentyoutiredof your computer? :)
Monday, August 01, 2011
Sunday Stealing

1. Movie you love with a passion.
2. Movie you vow to never watch.
唔, 一時間想不到. 太恐怖的不喜歡看. 戰爭片也不太喜歡.
3. Movie that literally left you speechless.
4. Movie you always recommend.
5. Actor/actress you always watch, no matter how crappy the movie.
e.g. Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Matthew Rhys :)
6. Actor/actress you don't get the appeal for.
e.g. Shia LaBeouf, James Franco, Zooey Deschanel, Kirsten Dunst, Elijah Wood...
7. Actor/actress, living or dead, you'd love to meet.
Matthew Rhys, Jude Law...
8. Sexiest actor/actress you've seen. (Picture required!)
Rachel Weisz
9. Dream cast.
10. Favorite actor pairing.
想不到. 喜歡的都可以.
11. Favorite movie setting.
現代, 又或維多利亞時代, 又或early 1900s的意大利(就似"A Room with a View"那種)
12. Favorite decade for movies.
13. Chick flick or action movie?
唔, it depends...
14. Hero, villain or anti-hero?
Hero maybe
15. Black and white or color?
image source: jupiterimages.com
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