飲定葛菜水消熱氣, 希望唔好又喉嚨痛!
Monday, May 30, 2011
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Some Quotes
Don't cry over the past, it's gone. Don't stress about the future, it hasn't arrived. Live in the present and make it beautiful. ~@ohteenquotes
I'm thankful for waking up to another beautiful day. If you're living & breathing, then there's nothing to be depressed about. ~@Darkskin
Take life as it comes, whatever it brings. Don't waste time judging how difficult or unpleasant it is. Put your energy into making it great. ~@ralphmarston
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. ~ Albert Einstein (via Just be spLendid)
遇逆景時總得告訴自己, 這些都會過去的. 還有, 可以有更壞的情況呢. 看些語錄鼓勵自己.
I'm thankful for waking up to another beautiful day. If you're living & breathing, then there's nothing to be depressed about. ~@Darkskin
Take life as it comes, whatever it brings. Don't waste time judging how difficult or unpleasant it is. Put your energy into making it great. ~@ralphmarston
Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. ~ Albert Einstein (via Just be spLendid)
遇逆景時總得告訴自己, 這些都會過去的. 還有, 可以有更壞的情況呢. 看些語錄鼓勵自己.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Sunday Stealing on a Thursday Night
The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, Part 3 (隨意答):
31. What is your absolute favorite dessert?
key lime pie
32. What can someone do to make you smile, no matter what?
some silly joke maybe
34. What was the last gift you bought someone?
hand cream
35. What was your favorite class in high school?
English maybe (cos most classes are BORING)
38. Have you ever donate money to charity?
43. Did you ever consider becoming a teacher?
44. Would you ever give a hitch-hiker a ride somewhere?
45. Would you ever try fasting for a whole week?
no way...
31. What is your absolute favorite dessert?
key lime pie
32. What can someone do to make you smile, no matter what?
some silly joke maybe
34. What was the last gift you bought someone?
hand cream
35. What was your favorite class in high school?
English maybe (cos most classes are BORING)
38. Have you ever donate money to charity?
43. Did you ever consider becoming a teacher?
44. Would you ever give a hitch-hiker a ride somewhere?
45. Would you ever try fasting for a whole week?
no way...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Friday, May 20, 2011
Twitter的Trending Now, 偶然也會玩玩一兩句...
my tweet: #sometimesyouhaveto take yourself out of the hell right away!
#itshardwhen you seem to have lost your direction and felt hopeless
my tweet: #sometimesyouhaveto take yourself out of the hell right away!
#itshardwhen you seem to have lost your direction and felt hopeless
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Goodbye Brothers & Sisters!

五個season其實很不簡單. 當然至最喜歡的仍然是Kevin(Matthew Rhys)和Scotty(Luke Macfarlane). 幸而在twitter上follow了一大群B&S fans, 互相安慰/支持一番. 當中還有劇中演員Gilles Marini, 離開了兩個season的Rob Lowe, Calista Flockhart, Balthazar Getty, 還有這兩天才加入的Dave Annable! 還有producer之一的Nicole Carrasco. 不過Matthew Rhys和Luke Macfarlane真人都未加入... :(
Rachel Griffiths(Sara)正準備和老公及孩子們回老家澳洲了. 原來她和Calista Flockhart(Kitty)拍攝第廿二集時都說: what if this is it? 連她們都未準備說再見呢. 唉, 真的捨不得他們!
也多得這個fan把我心愛的Kevin & Scotty片段一一放在youtube上.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
睇報紙見(SCMP), "Bosses from Hell", 香港叻哂...
"When do you expect your staff to be available out of office hours? (% of respondents)"
During Emergencies
Australia ~ 57%
Hong Kong ~ 47%
New Zealand ~ 49%
Singapore ~ 77% (慘)
After hours generally
Australia ~ 14%
Hong Kong ~ 28% (慘)
New Zealand ~ 14%
Singapore ~ 26%
While on annual leave
Australia ~ 8%
Hong Kong ~ 35% (超慘!)
New Zealand ~ 6%
Singapore ~ 19%
Source: Robert Half (via SCMP)
"When do you expect your staff to be available out of office hours? (% of respondents)"
During Emergencies
Australia ~ 57%
Hong Kong ~ 47%
New Zealand ~ 49%
Singapore ~ 77% (慘)
After hours generally
Australia ~ 14%
Hong Kong ~ 28% (慘)
New Zealand ~ 14%
Singapore ~ 26%
While on annual leave
Australia ~ 8%
Hong Kong ~ 35% (超慘!)
New Zealand ~ 6%
Singapore ~ 19%
Source: Robert Half (via SCMP)
Monday, May 16, 2011
Sunday Stealing
Sunday Stealing: The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, Part 2 (揀啲答):
17. Tell us about a film fave of yours that we probably have not seen.
can't think of one now...
25. When was the last time you were under some serious stress?
26. When was the last time you watched your favorite movie?
28. What would you say is your favorite hobby?
29. What is your favorite thing to do when you hang out with friends?
just chat and chat
30. What would you rather do: shower or bathe with that celebrity that you are crushing on?
17. Tell us about a film fave of yours that we probably have not seen.
can't think of one now...
25. When was the last time you were under some serious stress?
26. When was the last time you watched your favorite movie?
28. What would you say is your favorite hobby?
29. What is your favorite thing to do when you hang out with friends?
just chat and chat
30. What would you rather do: shower or bathe with that celebrity that you are crushing on?
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Friday, May 13, 2011
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Monday, May 09, 2011
Sunday Stealing
Sunday Stealing: The "You Can't Be Missed" Meme, Part 1 (揀啲答):
3. What's the last thing you ate that was red?
6. Have you ever washed an iPod or mp3 player in the washing machine?
7. Have you ever screamed / yelled angrily at a boss?
no, not yet
8. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
10. Have you ever acted like you understood something when you didn't have a clue?
15. Have you ever pretended to like someone when you didn't?
ALL THE TIME! (especially in workplace!)
3. What's the last thing you ate that was red?
6. Have you ever washed an iPod or mp3 player in the washing machine?
7. Have you ever screamed / yelled angrily at a boss?
no, not yet
8. Have you ever cried yourself to sleep?
10. Have you ever acted like you understood something when you didn't have a clue?
15. Have you ever pretended to like someone when you didn't?
ALL THE TIME! (especially in workplace!)
Sunday, May 08, 2011
如果人生中遇到的每一個人都算是一種緣份的話, 那麼這數個月認識/遇到的人和我都有一點點的緣份? 不知道今年還會和多少個"有緣人"相遇了. 一時間這些有緣人人數激增, 不知道是不知所措抑或如在夢中了.
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Friday, May 06, 2011
Thursday, May 05, 2011
今年HKIFF只訂了廿八齣, 有一場取消了, 兩場去不到, 結果破近年新低只看了廿五齣. 要揀出最喜歡的五齣, 說難不難, 說易也真的不易... 唔, 或許是這五齣:
Tuesday, After Christmas 聖誕後的星期二
Home for Christmas 聖誕回家
Potiche 讓師奶飛
Incendies 母親的告白 (正上映中)
E-Love 伊戀 (準備寫)
Tuesday, After Christmas 聖誕後的星期二
Home for Christmas 聖誕回家
Potiche 讓師奶飛
Incendies 母親的告白 (正上映中)
E-Love 伊戀 (準備寫)
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
1. 剛用了(其實買了多時, 不過不常用)一個有非常強殺蟲水味的hair treatment! 真難頂!
2. 昨晚/今早發了個怪夢: 打仗了, 要收拾細軟走人. 有人帶了一行裝先走, 到我了, 父親竟有點生氣: 你一有車便走了?! 那我呢? 你不顧爸了? (其實都不算什麼笑話, 只是, 很久沒做這種怪夢... )
3. 拉登真的死了? 一眾網友都有不同回應... 有人甚至說, 其實他應該是活在Al Jazeera電視台裡的... ;)
4. 這個應該不少人在fb上見過了...
5. 去翠X茶餐廳, 有個什麼"鹿兒島豬軟骨XXX", "天真"的我問女侍應: 這個不是日本來的吧... 女侍應竟只懂笑又不懂答. 因為如果真的是日本來的我可不敢吃... 不過$46一個套餐, 又哪會是日本來的呢... (係噃... 咁潮州魚蛋都唔會真係來自潮州一樣... :P )
不如你講個笑話等我開心吓... thanks!
1. 剛用了(其實買了多時, 不過不常用)一個有非常強殺蟲水味的hair treatment! 真難頂!
2. 昨晚/今早發了個怪夢: 打仗了, 要收拾細軟走人. 有人帶了一行裝先走, 到我了, 父親竟有點生氣: 你一有車便走了?! 那我呢? 你不顧爸了? (其實都不算什麼笑話, 只是, 很久沒做這種怪夢... )
3. 拉登真的死了? 一眾網友都有不同回應... 有人甚至說, 其實他應該是活在Al Jazeera電視台裡的... ;)
4. 這個應該不少人在fb上見過了...
5. 去翠X茶餐廳, 有個什麼"鹿兒島豬軟骨XXX", "天真"的我問女侍應: 這個不是日本來的吧... 女侍應竟只懂笑又不懂答. 因為如果真的是日本來的我可不敢吃... 不過$46一個套餐, 又哪會是日本來的呢... (係噃... 咁潮州魚蛋都唔會真係來自潮州一樣... :P )
不如你講個笑話等我開心吓... thanks!
Monday, May 02, 2011
Sunday Stealing
Sunday Stealing: The "18 Questionable Questions" Meme (揀啲答):
5. Could you fall in love with your best friend?
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
loving someone
9. If you'd like to act (movies, stage) with someone, who would it be?
Matthew Rhys!!!
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
嘩, 十八條只想答四條! :)
5. Could you fall in love with your best friend?
6. Which is more blessed, loving someone or being loved by someone?
loving someone
9. If you'd like to act (movies, stage) with someone, who would it be?
Matthew Rhys!!!
11. How would you see yourself in ten years time?
嘩, 十八條只想答四條! :)
試過看一齣畫面上沒有其他, 只有在看電影的觀眾的電影嗎? 沒想到我們一眾觀眾就這樣安坐個多小時, 在看人家看戲...
一時間, 心裡想, 我們是不是都是傻的?
說的是伊朗導演 Abbas Kiarostami的"Shirin"(雪馨). Audio track來自電影中的電影, 畫面就是一百一十四個女觀眾, 都是伊朗著名舞台及電影演員, 還有法國影星Juliette Binoche, 她更以素顏上陣. 一百一十四人, 電影92分鐘, 平均每人0.8分鐘.
佩服導演, 也佩服我們這一班觀眾.
一時間, 心裡想, 我們是不是都是傻的?
說的是伊朗導演 Abbas Kiarostami的"Shirin"(雪馨). Audio track來自電影中的電影, 畫面就是一百一十四個女觀眾, 都是伊朗著名舞台及電影演員, 還有法國影星Juliette Binoche, 她更以素顏上陣. 一百一十四人, 電影92分鐘, 平均每人0.8分鐘.
佩服導演, 也佩服我們這一班觀眾.

Sunday, May 01, 2011
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