這星期除了電影節和都是電影節外, 其實最想做的:
1. 狂煲"Brothers & Sisters"
2. 對住部電腦成day! (玩咋噃!)
3. 食個tea/all-day breakfast, 完全唔洗睇幾點
4. 執拾一下(雖然其實唔多願... )
5. 發吓夢
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Potiche 讓師奶飛

揀片時發現很多電影都比較低沈或灰, 看著看著原來又不至於. 起碼暫時看了十二齣(才開始寫!!!)都有數齣是令人會心微笑的.
1977年的法國, 整天被迫賦閒在家做trophy wife的Suzanne Pujol(Catherine Deneuve), 把家打理得頭頭是道. 丈夫是繼承外父雨傘廠的老闆, 大男人得不得了. 他們的兩個兒女都長大成人了, 女兒的婚姻面臨危機, 因為丈夫經常出外公幹, 而她要照顧兩個孩子不能跟他四處跑. 兒子是個藝術家, 吊兒郎當的, 有一個父親非常不喜歡的女朋友.

Gérard Depardieu的戲份雖不算多, 不過和Catherine Deneuve都有好幾場對手戲. 飾演兒子的Jérémie Renier, 我也看過他多次演出了. 各演員都有很不錯的演出, 劇情攪笑幽默, 沒有冷場.
差點忘了一提飾演秘書兼丈夫情人Nadège的Karin Viard, 由忠於老闆到後來忠於老闆娘兼情敵, 笑料百出.
服飾都很吸引, 有機會值得一看, 輕鬆一番.

Potiche: A French farce with feeling (Guardian)
Movie Ever 2011

safari underground
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
核危機仍未明朗, 我們隔岸觀火可以做的不多. 有日本朋友決定離開香港返家鄉, 還未有機會問候她詳情.
昨晚到City'Super, 然後發現我慣了常常都買日本零食, 一時間要全部只揀歐美的, 實在不慣, 什麼時候才可以再吃日本零食呢? 還有港人都愛的壽司. 家裡個多月前買了一袋日本米, 我們都說: 要好好珍惜這袋米! 說起壽司, 上星期才去了某酒店吃dinner buffet, 沒多問個清楚我便拿了兩件壽司, 後來我們再問侍應才知道, 除了三文魚是挪威來的, 其餘都是日本的.
然後又有人說起日本化妝品. 對啊, 現用的幾個外國品牌, 即使是法國又或美國的, 都是日本製造的, 那即是又要暫停購買?
相信大家都或看過這個攪笑卡通, 是日本政府給孩子們看的, 把核輻射危機形容成nuclear boy痾臭屎... (原文)
昨晚到City'Super, 然後發現我慣了常常都買日本零食, 一時間要全部只揀歐美的, 實在不慣, 什麼時候才可以再吃日本零食呢? 還有港人都愛的壽司. 家裡個多月前買了一袋日本米, 我們都說: 要好好珍惜這袋米! 說起壽司, 上星期才去了某酒店吃dinner buffet, 沒多問個清楚我便拿了兩件壽司, 後來我們再問侍應才知道, 除了三文魚是挪威來的, 其餘都是日本的.
然後又有人說起日本化妝品. 對啊, 現用的幾個外國品牌, 即使是法國又或美國的, 都是日本製造的, 那即是又要暫停購買?
相信大家都或看過這個攪笑卡通, 是日本政府給孩子們看的, 把核輻射危機形容成nuclear boy痾臭屎... (原文)
Monday, March 28, 2011
Sunday Stealing
The 5000 Question Meme, Part Two: (隨意答)
28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?
playing piano, making a lot of $$$ (!!! wahaha!!!), lose weight!
29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel?
what other people say
30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship?
forgive and forget? 都是緣份要緊
38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night?
新聞台... how boring ;)
40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout?
yes woh!
41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat?
43. What does your name mean?
a gift
44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space?
45. Word association
What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:
Air: ariel
Meat: beef
Different: countries
Pink: panther
Deserve: me
White: polar bear
Elvis: presley
Magic: box
Heart: shape
Clash: police
Pulp: paper
46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be?
48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?
how about tv? "Brothers & Sisters"! :)
28. If you could learn how to do three things just by wishing and not by working what would they be?
playing piano, making a lot of $$$ (!!! wahaha!!!), lose weight!
29. Which do you remember the longest: what other people say, what other people do or how other people make you feel?
what other people say
30. What are the key ingredients to having a good relationship?
forgive and forget? 都是緣份要緊
38. What's your favorite TV channel to watch in the middle of the night?
新聞台... how boring ;)
40. Have you ever been a girl scout/boy scout?
yes woh!
41. If you were traveling to another continent would you rather fly or take a boat?
43. What does your name mean?
a gift
44. Would you rather explore the deeps of the ocean or outer space?
45. Word association
What is the first word that comes to mind when you see the word:
Air: ariel
Meat: beef
Different: countries
Pink: panther
Deserve: me
White: polar bear
Elvis: presley
Magic: box
Heart: shape
Clash: police
Pulp: paper
46. If you could meet any person in the world who is dead who would you want it to be?
48. Is there a movie that you love so much you could watch it everyday?
how about tv? "Brothers & Sisters"! :)
Sunday, March 27, 2011
1. 不是第一次在私家醫院看完門診回去後藥物有side effects(唔係攪到胃抽筋咁滯就頭暈眼花都醫唔好腸胃炎), 真慘. 如無必要最好都是找回一向看的家庭醫生好了, 起碼不會無拿拿要看多一次, 還以為是感冒菌入腸, 原來只是抗生素的side effects!
2. 電影節開鑼以來最忙今天, 六小時內趕三場, 兩場iSquare之後趕Times Square, 結果是有兩場都遲了一兩分鐘. 電影節 = 許多獨自吃飯的時候.
3. iSquare影院不錯, 座位樓梯級上完全不會遮擋, 即使今天有一場遲了一點要坐第一行也不太差.
4. 那天收到友人的whatsapp, 很感動. 轉述她的問候時我竟然差點留淚.
5. 很多東西想寫, 很多東西想看, 沒有的是坐在電腦前的時間.
2. 電影節開鑼以來最忙今天, 六小時內趕三場, 兩場iSquare之後趕Times Square, 結果是有兩場都遲了一兩分鐘. 電影節 = 許多獨自吃飯的時候.
3. iSquare影院不錯, 座位樓梯級上完全不會遮擋, 即使今天有一場遲了一點要坐第一行也不太差.
4. 那天收到友人的whatsapp, 很感動. 轉述她的問候時我竟然差點留淚.
5. 很多東西想寫, 很多東西想看, 沒有的是坐在電腦前的時間.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Some Blogthings
You Are Colorful Because You Are Sparkling |
![]() You are witty and clever. You may not be the most outgoing person in the world, but you speak up when it matters. You know create an aura of mystery surrounding you. You enjoy having people wonder about you. You never over share or dominate a conversation. You only inject yourself when you know it's your time to shine. You are classy and elegant. Making a good impression is important to you, and you love to leave people wanting more. |
You are 60% Gemini |
![]() You are 60% Gemini |
Friday, March 25, 2011
瘋癲的一年, 瘋癲的三月. 暫時看了五齣, 一齣也未有閒暇寫. 草稿在紙上當然有的. 簡略五句(稍後再詳寫):
1. Potiche ~ 1977年的法國, 很有味道, 又幽默又富娛樂. Catherine Deneuve + Gerard Depardieu.
2. What I Love the Most ~ 慢慢的, 淡淡的. 沒有預期中的激情畫面. 很多long take/scene.
3. Pina ~ 竟然是3D(當然自備3D眼鏡), Wim Wenders紀念Pina Bausch的作品. 當中的演出我都看過三個, 當然有最近看了又很喜歡的"Carnations".
4. Vampire ~ 岩井俊二的, 他這次沒有來, 但給觀眾一封信, 發表他對日本政府的極度不滿. 配樂很日本. 電影初段很disturbing.
5. The Incendies ~ 很captivating的一齣. 可能遲了兩分鐘入場, 應該沒有錯過什麼. 原著是舞台劇(好像是), 還以為是小說或真人真事, 故事頗震撼.
五齣都喜歡! 看來今年雖然選/買少了, 佳作應該不少!
1. Potiche ~ 1977年的法國, 很有味道, 又幽默又富娛樂. Catherine Deneuve + Gerard Depardieu.
2. What I Love the Most ~ 慢慢的, 淡淡的. 沒有預期中的激情畫面. 很多long take/scene.
3. Pina ~ 竟然是3D(當然自備3D眼鏡), Wim Wenders紀念Pina Bausch的作品. 當中的演出我都看過三個, 當然有最近看了又很喜歡的"Carnations".
4. Vampire ~ 岩井俊二的, 他這次沒有來, 但給觀眾一封信, 發表他對日本政府的極度不滿. 配樂很日本. 電影初段很disturbing.
5. The Incendies ~ 很captivating的一齣. 可能遲了兩分鐘入場, 應該沒有錯過什麼. 原著是舞台劇(好像是), 還以為是小說或真人真事, 故事頗震撼.
五齣都喜歡! 看來今年雖然選/買少了, 佳作應該不少!
Thursday, March 24, 2011
1. 想法 ~ 怎樣去看一件事情或一些改變, 分別可以很大. 把變化看成新的adventure, 又或正如常常說, 把人生視作旅程, 每個階段都只是一個小旅程罷了. 要給自己正能量.
2. 時間/timing ~ 很多事情都講timing. 又或, 緣份, 又或fate.
2. 時間/timing ~ 很多事情都講timing. 又或, 緣份, 又或fate.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday Stealing
The 5000 Question Meme, Part One: (隨意答)
Have you ever taken martial arts classes?
Does time really heal all wounds?
How do you handle a rainy day?
it will end
How is (or was) your relationship with your parents?
Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you?
Are you more of a giver or a taker?
Have you ever taken martial arts classes?
Does time really heal all wounds?
How do you handle a rainy day?
it will end
How is (or was) your relationship with your parents?
Do you tend to be aware of what is going on around you?
Are you more of a giver or a taker?
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Saturday, March 19, 2011
1. 不一樣的一年, 不一樣的三月
2. 吃了很多, 滿足
3. roast beef + 紅酒, 還有朋友
4. ask me five questions, whatever u like
5. 紅, 或白?
2. 吃了很多, 滿足
3. roast beef + 紅酒, 還有朋友
4. ask me five questions, whatever u like
5. 紅, 或白?
Friday, March 18, 2011
Some Blogthings
You Are Yellow |
![]() You are bright, vibrant, and cheerful. Your energy can take over a room. You look on the sunny side of life. You are able to avoid stress, anxiety, and burnout. It's hard to get you down, and you've rarely been depressed in your life. You tend to have a clear mind and an unburdened heart. You try to bring as much light as possible into your life. |
You Are Bamboo |
![]() You are a very independent and unpredictable person. You do things your way, and you never know what turn your life will take. You are very intellectual and logical. You try to think things through carefully, in steps. Sometimes it seems like you are unemotional, but you try to have your emotions work for you instead of against you. Those who know you best know who loyal, compassionate, and supportive you are. You are a very admirable person. |
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Sunday Stealing
Last furry thing you touched?
What is your current desktop picture?
If you had to choose between a million bucks or to be able to fly what would it be?
When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
有啲pale, 不過好夠瞓
Last furry thing you touched?
What is your current desktop picture?

When you looked at yourself in the mirror today, what was the first thing you thought?
有啲pale, 不過好夠瞓
Blue Valentine 有人喜歡藍

其實不多看Ryan Gosling的演出(看imdb才想起原來曾演出"The Notebook"(2004)及"Remember the Titans"(2000)), 不過頗喜歡他的俊臉. Michelle Williams則真的是演技派, 好像參與過的角色都能發揮她的演技.
導演Derek Cianfrance作品都以電視紀錄片為主, 大家應該沒多看過他的作品. 如果以首部長片來說, 已算有不錯成績了.
不算特別喜歡此片, 不過男女主角都演得令人滿意, 他倆都是本片的監製, 可能更能投入當中.

電影不斷來回男女主角認識初期及熱戀和婚後生活迫人感情轉淡兩個時空. 化妝及造型都令人信服, 懷疑Michelle Williams有刻意增肥來演婚後那一段(又或演年輕一段時刻意減肥).
觀眾應該都會有點共鳴. 相信人人都經歷過由熱戀到感情穩定甚至到一天發現原來可以互相相害.
男主角Dean(Ryan Gosling)說的一翻話(和男同事傾偈時說):
"I feel like men are more romantic than women. When we get married we marry, like, one girl, 'cause we're resistant the whole way until we meet one girl and we think I'd be an idiot if I didn't marry this girl she's so great. But it seems like girls get to a place where they just kinda pick the best option… 'Oh he's got a good job.' I mean they spend their whole life looking for Prince Charming and then they marry the guy whos got a good job and is gonna stick around."
看完更覺得Ryan Gosling真的很吸引. :) 他是那種即使活像個loser你也想死心塌地地愛他的男人! (死唔死... )
電影配樂也不錯, 可以考慮買OST. 另忘了說, 電影中大特寫特別多, 也是男女主角演技的考驗.

Rotten Tomatoes有87%.
2010 Sundance Film Festival

Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Black Swan 黑天鵝

電影, 更令我失望. 竟然有份角逐最佳電影? 今年沒有好片麼?
之前都有人說此片要在電影院看, 看完覺得, 看影碟也無妨.
是驚慄片? 都有點的, 不過笑位也有, 我起碼笑了好幾次...
雖然沒有訪問過專業舞者, 真想知道有多少芭蕾舞團舞者會常常聽著芭蕾舞音樂盒, 還要放在床頭? 粉紅色的女孩睡房... 唔, 或許真的有些芭蕾舞迷會吧, 不過對我來說太戲劇/作狀了.
舞蹈及排練的片段都不吸引, 亦沒有哪一場特別喜歡/深刻. 總括來說有點悶. 或許看過好些芭蕾舞/舞蹈紀錄片, 電影和現實仍有好一段距離.
劇情或許都太令人預料得到, 沒有驚喜.
浪費了演員和故事. 我很喜歡Natalie Portman的, 這齣可能是我最不喜歡她的電影. 導演應該可以做得更好.
唔, 大致是這樣了.
後記: 看的是UA時代, 港島戲院應該最討厭這家的了... 那天前面坐著一對不停說話的母女, 一幕Natalie Portman把足尖鞋放在一個盛滿松香(rosin)的盒子裡然後擦上松香粉. 前面母親大聲說: 嘩, 玻璃呀! 其實松香用途有如用在絃樂上一樣, 有防跣的功能.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch: Carnations
Sunday, March 13, 2011

這星期也經歷了或多或少的小事件(好像不只這星期了... )
iPhone 4昨日聽歌時earpiece線被我的外褸卡住然後手機跌在地上, 不是第一次跌機的了, 不過這次要拿去維修! 激死! 而且是事後兩個多小時才發現有問題.
又, 一心以為很容易可以攪backup, 又以為加州友人用了apple多年, 問兩句便得悉backup詳情, 怎知不果(又或許已經太晚我沒耐性攪了). 又以為可能翌日起來開機時問題會自然解決(因為曾聽過許多這種情況), 原來不然.
友人在fb上得悉我在XX通等候時便打來, 早知問她了, 原來她也經歷同樣遭遇, 打去apple問了backup詳情... 嗚嗚... 我不想等明天再來等過了, 我說: 要走的東西由它們走吧... 我指的是sms及contacts. Contacts不打緊(忘了用outlook backup), sms才沮喪. 相片, XX通的人員叫我馬上去買usb幫我即時backup. (不過那隻usb用時又有小小麻煩!)
OK, 叫做解決了, 明天才去取機(因為晚上沒空去取).
另一小小不順事件: 去看藝術節送飲品coupon記得用, 像我今天最後一場才準備用時, 原來是沒有INTERMISSION的!!! 激氣! 幸而完場時還有飲品可取...
又另一小事: 維修手機時, 二姊打來告知我的另一諸事不順例子, 她們發現我多年前買的一隻杯內隱藏了一堆類似甴曱卵的東西, 還說等我回去才收拾. 我說: 嘩, 邊隻杯呀?! 咁恐怖幫我丟咗佢啦!!!
總會好的. 我相信. :)
又幸而這兩天翻天覆地沒看太多新聞片, 下午看海嘯的片段時已經嚇呆了好一會了(看太多我又會像上次菲律賓人質事件那樣心情鬱悶數天). 我的這些小小諸事不順都只是身外物罷了. 人生有很多更重要的人及事. 祝願日本受地震及海嘯災難影響的市民及早得到援助, 遇難的得到安息.
image source: jupiterimages.com
Saturday, March 12, 2011
當人生有多樣事情都在轉變當中, 一些不變的習慣/喜好總是好的, 例如跳舞和電影.
兩個多月沒去上課, 這晚一回去感覺就是舒服和平安. 雖然有陣子在夢遊一樣, 忘了這忘了那, 但總是笑的時候多. :)
兩個多月沒去上課, 這晚一回去感覺就是舒服和平安. 雖然有陣子在夢遊一樣, 忘了這忘了那, 但總是笑的時候多. :)
Friday, March 11, 2011
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Tuesday, March 08, 2011
Monday, March 07, 2011

連看了兩天NYCB的表演都有新鮮感. 服裝頗目不暇給. "West Side Story"一段很有期望, 可真服飾比較吸引, 舞蹈方面環節太短, 沒想像中精彩.
看的都是日場, 分別是三月五日及六日的. 沒想到可能有點疲倦, 63分鐘那段"Dances at a Gathering"竟然釣魚釣了十多廿分鐘左右. 不過又真的有人提早離場, 可能也有人被悶倒.
今天第一幕中場休息時聽到有人說: 嘩點解可以個個都咁靚嘅. 又真的, 全白舞衣, 加起個個馬尾, 真的很醒神.
昨日那場, 其中一段舞者在演出時要把髮髻拆掉散下頭髮, 可能之前搽了太多hair wax, 頭髮散不了, 不夠美觀. 另外兩個舞者則鬆解了頭髮才出場的, 也有點頭濕濕的感覺.
連續兩天芭蕾舞再加晚上看Black Swan, 很芭蕾舞的周末. 可我已兩個月沒上課了. 什麼時候會再回去也不知曉.
看NYCB另一"驚喜"是, 又一次證實我人生每每遇上精彩離奇事.
連續兩天右邊都坐上同一怪觀眾, 她不停和自己說話, 說的都是對表演的一些批評或評語, 是每一段都說, 且影響別人, 前面有數人都多次回望看個究竟. 昨天更問我借望遠鏡呢! 相信今天見到我那望遠鏡時應該知道我是同一人, 不過不敢再和我搭訕了. 六合彩都無咁易中呀!!!
Sunday, March 06, 2011
隨意Sunday Stealing的五條:
1. What is/was for dinner?
lamb chop
2. Where do you see yourself in five years?
no idea!
3. New variation on an old question: If there’s a song in your head that just won’t get out, what is your favorite (or most repeated) line in that song?
I'm free to decide!
4. When you were young, did you like school lunches?
5. When you were a kid, did you get started on your homework right away after school, or did you procrastinate?
right away
1. What is/was for dinner?
lamb chop
2. Where do you see yourself in five years?
no idea!
3. New variation on an old question: If there’s a song in your head that just won’t get out, what is your favorite (or most repeated) line in that song?
I'm free to decide!
4. When you were young, did you like school lunches?
5. When you were a kid, did you get started on your homework right away after school, or did you procrastinate?
right away
Saturday, March 05, 2011
Random Five
1. 收到HKIFF戲票了, HK ticketing的未取
2. 想看又未看的電影: Black Swan, Blue Valentine, 還有剛發現的: Room in Rome,
3. HKIFF揀少了其中原因是, 好像很多都是看完會影響心情
4. 藝術節開鑼一陣子了, 看了一個芭蕾舞一個話劇, 還有三場舞
5. 是晚看了從沒打算去看的"宇宙戰艦大和號", 事前網友說要把期望降至最低, 幸而只抱陪人心態及看看木村靚樣, 139分鐘還可以, 沒有睡著, 沒有要回水. ^_^
2. 想看又未看的電影: Black Swan, Blue Valentine, 還有剛發現的: Room in Rome,
3. HKIFF揀少了其中原因是, 好像很多都是看完會影響心情
4. 藝術節開鑼一陣子了, 看了一個芭蕾舞一個話劇, 還有三場舞
5. 是晚看了從沒打算去看的"宇宙戰艦大和號", 事前網友說要把期望降至最低, 幸而只抱陪人心態及看看木村靚樣, 139分鐘還可以, 沒有睡著, 沒有要回水. ^_^
Thursday, March 03, 2011
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
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