五個地方只到訪過Prague及Lausanne. 和CR一樣, 真的很喜歡很喜歡Prague. 應該說, 捷克是暫時去過最漂亮的地方之一(top 3). 我更喜歡的是捷克的Cesky Krumlov及Karlovy Vary.
Saturday, April 30, 2011
五個地方只到訪過Prague及Lausanne. 和CR一樣, 真的很喜歡很喜歡Prague. 應該說, 捷克是暫時去過最漂亮的地方之一(top 3). 我更喜歡的是捷克的Cesky Krumlov及Karlovy Vary.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Random Five
1. 真的要早一點睡, 每天五個多小時認真不夠... 年紀不輕了.
2. 今年是辛苦的一年
3. 昨天記起上一次幫母親染髮原來只是三月初的事. 我還記得那天做了什麼. 才三月初, 好像已經是半年前的事了...
4. 今天是父親的生辰. 爸, Happy Birthday! We miss you as always!
5. "Brothers & Sisters"究竟會有Season 6嗎? 我一直都和美國同步, 剛看完S5E20了. Pearl今晚開始播Season 4.
2. 今年是辛苦的一年
3. 昨天記起上一次幫母親染髮原來只是三月初的事. 我還記得那天做了什麼. 才三月初, 好像已經是半年前的事了...
4. 今天是父親的生辰. 爸, Happy Birthday! We miss you as always!
5. "Brothers & Sisters"究竟會有Season 6嗎? 我一直都和美國同步, 剛看完S5E20了. Pearl今晚開始播Season 4.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Zen Dog
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday Stealing
Sunday Stealing: The 65 Questions Meme (揀啲答)
2. Tell us about your favorite tee-shirt. Extra points if you show a pic. (We know. What can you do with freakin' extra points?)
Pink Freud (bought in my college town over a decade ago... )
3. Has anyone ever hit on you even though they knew you were taken?
4. Do you plan what to wear the next day?
usually yes
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Why?
6. What's the closest thing to you that's black?
my laptop
8. Did you or might you meet anybody new today?
not sure
9. If you could be doing anything right now (or perhaps after you finish this ridiculous meme) what would it be?
watch a bit of B&S S5E19
14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
16. Do you like yourself?
19. Are (or were) your parents strict?
22. Have you ever met a celebrity?
23. What was the last movie that you watched at home?
Love and Other Disaster (online) with Matthew Rhys of course!!!
26. Have you ever made a phone call while you were drunk that you've regretted? If yes, do tell.
I did. But it's no longer important anymore.
27. Where were you going the last time that you were on a train?
back to Hong Kong
28. Bacon or sausage?
either one, depends on my mood.
29. How long have you had a cell-phone?
since year 1997
34. Are you too forgiving?
sometimes, yes
40. Favorite thing to do this time of the year?
a walk at the Peak
46. Have you ever slapped someone?
48. What was the last CD you bought?
Sara Bareilles (two CDs)
49. Do looks matter to you?
of course
52. Do you like your life right now?
53. Do you sleep with the TV on?
only when I am in a hotel, alone
54. Can you handle the truth?
55. Do you have good vision?
56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
58. What celeb would you like to come home to?
Matthew Rhys ;)
61. Where was your facebook picture taken?
the restaurant at the Peak
2. Tell us about your favorite tee-shirt. Extra points if you show a pic. (We know. What can you do with freakin' extra points?)
Pink Freud (bought in my college town over a decade ago... )
3. Has anyone ever hit on you even though they knew you were taken?
4. Do you plan what to wear the next day?
usually yes
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? Why?
6. What's the closest thing to you that's black?
my laptop
8. Did you or might you meet anybody new today?
not sure
9. If you could be doing anything right now (or perhaps after you finish this ridiculous meme) what would it be?
watch a bit of B&S S5E19
14. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it?
16. Do you like yourself?
19. Are (or were) your parents strict?
22. Have you ever met a celebrity?
23. What was the last movie that you watched at home?
Love and Other Disaster (online) with Matthew Rhys of course!!!
26. Have you ever made a phone call while you were drunk that you've regretted? If yes, do tell.
I did. But it's no longer important anymore.
27. Where were you going the last time that you were on a train?
back to Hong Kong
28. Bacon or sausage?
either one, depends on my mood.
29. How long have you had a cell-phone?
since year 1997
34. Are you too forgiving?
sometimes, yes
40. Favorite thing to do this time of the year?
a walk at the Peak
46. Have you ever slapped someone?
48. What was the last CD you bought?
Sara Bareilles (two CDs)
49. Do looks matter to you?
of course
52. Do you like your life right now?
53. Do you sleep with the TV on?
only when I am in a hotel, alone
54. Can you handle the truth?
55. Do you have good vision?
56. Do you hate or dislike more than 3 people?
58. What celeb would you like to come home to?
Matthew Rhys ;)
61. Where was your facebook picture taken?
the restaurant at the Peak
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
1. 有人被笑問"打算五年後... ?" 我心想, 哈, 千萬不要問我, 不要說五年, 五天後如何我也答不到你... ;)
2. 一切恆久的事情/人物/等等, 都會有改變/完結的時候
3. 太多無聊/謂事情, 耗了太多人的無謂時間
4. "如果自殺是大罪, 那麼不快樂也是罪. 因為不快樂會傷害其他人. 所以也是一種罪." ~ "Taste of Cherry"(櫻桃的滋味/1997) (導演Abbas Kiarostami)
5. 這天看了伊朗導演Abbas Kiarostami的"The Wind Will Carry Us"(1999), 相信第一次會有看完整齣電影也不太記得是否已是第二次看的電影了. 因為有幾幕非常非常面善, 但又怎也記不起其他橋段, 做夢一樣. 男主角不時要跑上山上/駕車到高處才可以接收電話訊號這些片段非常熟悉, 非常肯定之前是看過的, 但怎麼完全忘記其他片段的呢?
6. 電影, 始於是最能令我心情平服和安慰的東西. 應該說, 是最感染到我的媒體. 即使有時一邊看腦裡卻在想著其他事情, 也令人舒服.
7. 凡事都向好一方面去想/看. 繼續給自己正能量.
8. 還有多篇電影節文章想寫, 還有星期日的B&S(Season 5)未看.
2. 一切恆久的事情/人物/等等, 都會有改變/完結的時候
3. 太多無聊/謂事情, 耗了太多人的無謂時間
4. "如果自殺是大罪, 那麼不快樂也是罪. 因為不快樂會傷害其他人. 所以也是一種罪." ~ "Taste of Cherry"(櫻桃的滋味/1997) (導演Abbas Kiarostami)
5. 這天看了伊朗導演Abbas Kiarostami的"The Wind Will Carry Us"(1999), 相信第一次會有看完整齣電影也不太記得是否已是第二次看的電影了. 因為有幾幕非常非常面善, 但又怎也記不起其他橋段, 做夢一樣. 男主角不時要跑上山上/駕車到高處才可以接收電話訊號這些片段非常熟悉, 非常肯定之前是看過的, 但怎麼完全忘記其他片段的呢?
6. 電影, 始於是最能令我心情平服和安慰的東西. 應該說, 是最感染到我的媒體. 即使有時一邊看腦裡卻在想著其他事情, 也令人舒服.
7. 凡事都向好一方面去想/看. 繼續給自己正能量.
8. 還有多篇電影節文章想寫, 還有星期日的B&S(Season 5)未看.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
What's Your Rising Sign?
Your Rising Sign is Leo |
![]() And you have a flair for the dramatic - whether you're on stage or causing trouble. Your spirit can't stay in one place very long. You like to live in new places and travel the world. Cultured and sophisticated, you pride yourself on having good taste. You are an expert in art, music, food, and film. |
多謝大家關心, 是日心情好多了. 我的適應能力還算強的. :)
感謝神我們有復活節, 有long weekend! 其實已經多年沒有在復活節時返教會紀念主耶穌了... 真的太差了. :P
Have a great long weekend!
感謝神我們有復活節, 有long weekend! 其實已經多年沒有在復活節時返教會紀念主耶穌了... 真的太差了. :P
Have a great long weekend!
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
1. 朝九(點幾)晚九... 點九...
2. 人都癲
3. 全日只用了交通費
4. 前面的路是怎樣? 主啊, 只有祢知道了...
5. 唯一的安慰是多個sms, fb上的問候, 電話, 家人, 還有點都要睇少少"Brothers & Sisters" Season 5 episode 19!
2. 人都癲
3. 全日只用了交通費
4. 前面的路是怎樣? 主啊, 只有祢知道了...
5. 唯一的安慰是多個sms, fb上的問候, 電話, 家人, 還有點都要睇少少"Brothers & Sisters" Season 5 episode 19!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Random Five
1. 這三個月好像過了兩年. 三個字: 人都癲. (不是時間過得慢, 而是實在太"多采多姿")
2. 以後應該更少時間更新blog了.
3. 改變都是好的. 只要相信. 其實這些都是美事.
4. 一天二十四小時真的不夠.
5. 感恩, 一直都感恩.
2. 以後應該更少時間更新blog了.
3. 改變都是好的. 只要相信. 其實這些都是美事.
4. 一天二十四小時真的不夠.
5. 感恩, 一直都感恩.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Animal Kingdom 野獸家族

真的一個野獸家族, 上至祖母下至孫兒都不是泛泛之輩.
第一幕是兒子Joshua(James Frecheville/男主角)目睹母親吸毒暴斃, 未成年又無親無顧, 唯有打電話去找許久沒聯絡的祖母(Jacki Weaver). 寄居在祖母家, 一屋都是毒犯或劫匪的舅父.

喜歡那幕一屋都是警察, 兒子們都被拘捕了, 她卻悠然自得地坐在餐桌前, 手慢慢地提起杯中的茶包, 臉上的笑容到現在我還記憶猶新.

Full Length Trailer
Rotten Tomatoes有97%.
網上找到兩篇: Plastic_Souls / A New Level of Nerdiness
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Random Five: April
1. Easter
3. Sis' birthday; Dad's birthday; oh and Uncle's baptism!
4. Something(s) new, really new
5. Tests, a lot of tests
3. Sis' birthday; Dad's birthday; oh and Uncle's baptism!
4. Something(s) new, really new
5. Tests, a lot of tests
Monday, April 11, 2011
Sunday Stealing
The 5000 Question Meme, The Final Part (隨意答):
77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?
78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic?
kind of
80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it?
like film festivals/movies?
81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick?
let me think about it...
82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole?
North Pole
83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?
listening to music
86. Name one thing that turns your stomach:
87. What was the last thing you paid for?
88. Are you a coupon clipper?
89. Get anything good in the mail recently?
sort of :)
90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling?
1/ dancing 2/ sailing 3/ bowling 4/ karate
92. What insects are you afraid of?
flying cockroaches
95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be?
(and no effect on health) chicken wings
97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet?
Have you ever caught and tamed a wild animal?
100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you.
torch, water, cell phone (can I bring 3 more items??? tent, food, laptop with wifi)
77. What is the first animal you would run to see if you went to the zoo?
78. Would you consider yourself to be romantic?
kind of
80. What is the one thing that you love to do so much that you would make sacrifices to be able to do it?
like film festivals/movies?
81. If you (and everyone) had to lose one right or freedom, but you could pick which one everyone had to lose, what would you pick?
let me think about it...
82. If you had to choose would you live on the equator or at the North Pole?
North Pole
83. Would you rather give up listening to music or watching television?
listening to music
86. Name one thing that turns your stomach:
87. What was the last thing you paid for?
88. Are you a coupon clipper?
89. Get anything good in the mail recently?
sort of :)
90. Which would you rather take as a gym class...dancing, sailing, karate, or bowling?
1/ dancing 2/ sailing 3/ bowling 4/ karate
92. What insects are you afraid of?
flying cockroaches
95. If you could pick one food that you could eat all you wanted but it would have no effect on how much you weigh, what food would it be?
(and no effect on health) chicken wings
97. Have you ever caught an insect and kept it as a pet?
Have you ever caught and tamed a wild animal?
100. You are spending the night alone in the woods and may bring only 3 items with you.
torch, water, cell phone (can I bring 3 more items??? tent, food, laptop with wifi)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
黑暗中對話 Dialogue in the Dark
不提供太多體驗的內容了, 有興趣的請抽空和家人或友好去參與. 讓更多人認識視障人士的需求.
註: 「黑暗中對話」是一個起源自德國的社會企業,至今已擴展至全球超過26個國家及150個城市。
Saturday, April 09, 2011
1. 今年HKIFF closing夜(其實仲有六齣未睇)竟然是安坐家中, 因為某片趕不及抵港(又或Fedex弄失?), 換了另一齣, 沒有興趣專程去看了, 多點時間和家人一起更好.
2. 終於去了做激光去斑了, 只是第一次療程, 不知道效果會如何. 要4-6星期後才可以再做. 不過價錢頗昂貴, 捨得再去嗎? ;)
3. 四月一日那晚都和往年一樣去了文華一轉. 不知道為什麼, 以前真的不是哥哥粉絲, 這些年來倒有這個心去紀念他.
4. 近來祈禱多了一點. 感謝神. 噢, 還有一件非常感恩的事, 叔叔這星期受洗了! 太令人高興!
5. 還未看The King's Speech...
2. 終於去了做激光去斑了, 只是第一次療程, 不知道效果會如何. 要4-6星期後才可以再做. 不過價錢頗昂貴, 捨得再去嗎? ;)
3. 四月一日那晚都和往年一樣去了文華一轉. 不知道為什麼, 以前真的不是哥哥粉絲, 這些年來倒有這個心去紀念他.
4. 近來祈禱多了一點. 感謝神. 噢, 還有一件非常感恩的事, 叔叔這星期受洗了! 太令人高興!
5. 還未看The King's Speech...
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Home for Christmas 聖誕回家

有昔日球星淪落街頭行乞, 一心想儲到幾個零錢買火車票回家過聖誕. 有產科醫生徹夜趕往產婦家接生, 雪中送炭, 還把車子借給兩夫婦, 好讓他們可以趕往瑞典與姊姊過聖誕. 有不慶祝聖誕的小男生和小女生, 兩小無猜看星星. 有不肯離開妻子一直拖著情人的男人. 情人戴上那妻子都有一條的絲巾, 平安夜跑到教堂和情夫及太太一起聽聖詩. 三個人的世界當然擠迫. 還有扮聖誕老人的離婚爸爸, 幾經辛苦為的是見兒女一面, 聖誕前夕送上禮物和擁抱.

電影改編自Levi Henriksen的短篇故事集.
最後一幕很美: 借了醫生車子的夫婦二人(南斯拉夫及阿爾巴尼亞人)往瑞典的路上, 抱著初生嬰孩看到北極光.
以聖誕節為背景或題材的電影不少, 許多都能給人留下深刻印象, 此片亦不例外.

Tuesday, April 05, 2011
Tuesday, After Christmas 聖誕後的星期二

第一幕是男人和女人在床上纏綿浪漫, 喁喁細語, 像有說不完的話. 二人在愛河裡, 眼中沒有其他.
之後一幕是男人的家, 原來第一個她是情人, 在家的是太太, 還有女兒.
情人原來是女兒的牙醫, 和男人一起才五個月. 妻子一直不知道. 有一天男人帶女兒去牙醫處, 妻子忽然有空可以跟他們一起去, 男人很不願意, 但阻止不了. 見牙醫時場面尷尬, 其實尷尬的是男人.

婚外情一般都只有幾個結果吧: 妻子知道但忍受/妻子不知道"相安無事"/妻子知道然後離婚. 電影中的男主角選擇告訴妻子, 因為他本來以為只是霧水情緣, 原來怎也揮之不去. 原來他的世界容不下兩個女人. (其實現實中大多數的男人都不像娛樂新聞中見到的那樣, 喜歡享齊人之福的... ;) )

結果, 廿三日那天, 男人告訴妻子要往Constanta見人客, 其實獨自跑去找情人. 還要面對情人的母親. 電影來到這裡, 很明顯他已選了情人不是妻子了.

和妻子攤牌的一幕是意料之內. 當中也有些笑位. 妻子要求他即時打電話告訴情人, "我知道了".

有點別於一般的婚外情故事. 相信不少觀眾都和我一樣, 當發現男人心中已經揀了情人時, 有點不是味兒.

在網上見到這篇, 值得一看.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Special Treatment 高鐘女王

在電影"Special Treatment"(Sans queue ni tête)中的妓女角色, 算是她脫胎換骨的演出嗎? 那又不至於. 起碼仍然是非常的Isabelle Huppert, 角色怎樣不同, 形態和神情都是一貫的Huppert.
Alice Bergerac(Isabelle Huppert)是個高級妓女, 長租酒店一套房, 為客人服務. 她一時扮演SM女子, 一時是住家婦人, 一時又是學院派, 只要客人有什麼要求, 她都可以辦到.

電影把妓女和另一專業作個巧妙的對比: 精神分析治療師. 兩者都是以服務客人為生, 收費形式都以一個一個環節來計算, 工作時都有角色扮演. 精神分析治療師Xavier(Bouli Lanners)婚姻亮紅燈, 搬了去酒店暫住, 正是Alice租房工作的酒店.
Alice和Xavier遇上了, 交易完成不了. Alice想Xavier幫她轉行, 最後經Xavier的同行友人介紹下得到一份書店的工作.

Cleveland Film Festival
TIFF (Toronto)
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